Recommendations for the preparation of documents


(Please carefully read the recommendations before preparing documents for participation in the competitive selection. Original documents must be scanned and downloaded through the E-Gov portal)




1.1. Required list of documents:


Questionnaire of the applicant;

Application of the employer to prepare a specialist with the condition of preserving the place of work (only for applicants for internships);

Originals of an identity card and passport;

The original of a bachelor’s or specialist’s diploma with an appendix, as well as, in the case of training at a foreign educational organization, a certificate of recognition and / or nostrification of a document of education or another document of recognition of a document of education, taking into account the features established by paragraph 8 of Article 39 of the Law on Education ;

Originals of documents confirming labor activity, as well as an extract of the listed mandatory pension contributions for the required period of labor activity, according to the Rules (for applicants for master’s programs from a rural settlement and applicants for internships);

The original of a valid official certificate of passing a foreign language exam with a result that meets the minimum requirements (for applicants for a master’s program from a rural community – for the established minimum requirements, and for applicants for an internship – if there is a requirement of a foreign organization accepting an internship with an appropriate result for the internship, as well as visa application if necessary);

Original of a valid official certificate of passing the exam in the state language with a result that meets the established minimum requirements (level not less than B1);

Medical certificate on the state of health in the form of 082u for people traveling abroad;

Supporting documents on unconditional admission (with the exception of financial conditions) for academic study / internship with notarized translation into the state or Russian languages ​​(with the exception of applicants for master’s programs from a rural locality);

An official document on academic performance issued by a foreign higher education institution / certificate of the established form, indicating the specialty, course (year of study), information on the grading system used in this educational institution, as well as the average score of current academic performance in this educational institution, with notarized certificates translations into the state or Russian language, if available (for persons studying in academic studies at leading foreign higher education institutions included in the List);

Information about the applicant’s place of residence received by the Administrator from the relevant state information systems and databases (for applicants for master’s programs from a rural locality);

An individual curriculum agreed with a leading foreign higher education institution, not exceeding the deadlines established by this institution with a notarized translation into the state or Russian language (for applicants for doctoral studies);

Internship program, compiled in accordance with the requirements, and approved by the receiving and sending parties (for applicants for internships






These recommendations are intended for applicants for the Bolashak international scholarship in order to prevent errors when filling out the questionnaire.

  • The application form must be completed in a strictly established form in the state or Russian languages;
  • All sections of the questionnaire are required. In the absence of information, it is necessary to put a dash “-” in this column;
  • All pages of the questionnaire should be filled in by hand in print;
  • Answers to the questionnaire should be placed strictly in the spaces provided for this;
  • The questionnaire must be correctly framed in terms of grammar and spelling;
  • In case of inconsistency or unreliability of facts, information set forth in the questionnaire, the applicant is suspended from participation in the competition at any stage;
  • The application is free and can be copied.

On the first page of the questionnaire, in a specially designated place, you must stick your color photograph, size 3.5 × 4.5 cm (photo period: not more than one calendar year at the time of filling out the questionnaire).

A questionnaire with a non-glued, stapled stapler or in any other way will not be accepted for consideration. The photo should be glued with clerical glue.

Each page of the questionnaire must be numbered and signed (signed) with a personal signature in the lower right corner of the page.

On the last page of the questionnaire are the date and signature of the applicant; date must be indicated at the time of filing.




The application represents the personal direction of the specialist to participate in the competition. In the application it is necessary to note the experience in the sending organization and the position of the specialist.

An application with an outgoing number and date is signed by the first head of the sending organization, indicating the name and position of the head, and is certified by a seal.

The approved standard application form is available on the official website of Center for International Programs.




To participate in the competition, it is mandatory to provide the originals of an identity card and passport.




Applicants for the Bolashak international scholarship must submit the original diploma (bachelor, specialist) with the application.

In the case of completion of training at a foreign educational organization, applicants additionally provide a certificate of recognition and nostrification of a document of education or another document of recognition, taking into account the features established by paragraph 5 of Article 39 of the Law on Education.




Applicants for the award of the Bolashak international scholarship must submit a medical certificate of health status in the form 082 / u, established by the authorized body in the field of health for people traveling abroad.




A document confirming the labor activity of an employee may be one of the following:

  1. work book;
  2. An employment contract with the employer’s note on the date and reason for its termination;
  3. extracts from the acts of the employer confirming the emergence and termination of the employment relationship on the basis of the conclusion and termination of the employment contract;
  4. extracts from the payroll statement for employees;
  5. a track record (a list of information about the work, labor activity of the employee), signed by the employer, certified by the seal of the organization or notarized;
  6. archival certificate containing information about the employee’s labor activity;
  7. Mandatory to provide — extracts from accumulative pension funds of listed mandatory pension contributions or extracts from a unified accumulative pension fund of listed mandatory pension contributions or information from the State Social Insurance Fund about social contributions made.




Applicants who have not yet begun to study – documents confirming their unconditional admission to academic studies at a foreign higher educational institution (with the exception of financial conditions) indicating the program, specialty and period of study with a notarized translation into the state or Russian languages.

APPLICANTS STUDYING IN FOREIGN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS – an official document on academic performance issued by a foreign higher education institution / reference certificate of the established standard, indicating the specialty, course (year of study), the form of study, information about the grading system used in this educational institution, as well as the average grade of the current performance in this educational institution with notarized translations into the state or Russian languages.

APPLICANTS FOR MEDICAL SPECIALTIES AND SPECIALTIES IN THE FIELD OF ART according to paragraphs 4) to paragraph 16 of the Rules for the selection of applicants for the award of the international scholarship “Bolashak”, in order to obtain master’s degrees, Ph.D., Ph.D. confirmation of compliance of a specialized foreign university with three or more of the following criteria:

  • issue of at least 3 published textbooks, monographs, copyright certificates per year;
  • the presence of at least 3 large projects implemented by multinational companies and / or projects of national and international importance, conducted with the participation of teachers and students of this educational institution, over the past 10 years;
  • holding at least 50 performances / concerts or 10 conferences / exhibitions with the participation of teachers and students of this educational institution at the international and national levels, per year;
  • availability of a document confirming that the institution has passed international and / or state / national accreditation;
  • the presence of clinics, laboratories or research centers based on this educational institution;
  • the presence of at least 1 national and / or international award, the award of the institution in the field of specialization.

Applicants for the internship must submit documents confirming the unconditional invitation (with the exception of financial conditions) of the host organization for the internship. The invitation should indicate the specialty according to the List of priority specialties, dates, cost (with a breakdown of calculations) of the internship. In this case, it is necessary to submit notarized translations into the state or Russian languages ​​of these documents.




The program is submitted by applicants for internships and is compiled in accordance with the requirements for its content. A plan is also attached to it, including the timing of the planned activities, the methods and technologies used. The program must be agreed upon and approved by the sending and receiving organizations.

Requirements for the internship program are available on the official website of Center for International Programs JSC.




An individual curriculum (IUP) is filled out together with the supervisor at the university with an indication of the period of study. IUP must be provided on the official letterhead of the university and certified by the signature of the adviser.

IEP is compiled on the basis of and in accordance with the requirements of the general curriculum in the specialty.

In the IEP should be prescribed:

  • Date of completion;
  • name of student;
  • The name of the university;
  • program;
  • specialty;
  • the minimum number of credits for obtaining a degree – should correspond to the general curriculum (it is necessary to divide by the number of semesters to ensure an even distribution of the load across semesters);
  • dates of the beginning and end of semesters;
  • date of completion of the full training program;
  • Name and contacts of the adviser.

The IUP template is available on the official website of Center for International Programs JSC in the Fellowship section.




Applicants for a master’s program from a rural locality – a valid official certificate with a result that meets the established minimum requirements and applicants for an internship, if there is a requirement of a foreign organization with the appropriate result for an internship, as well as if a visa is necessary, must provide the original valid official certificate on passing the exam in a foreign language (TOEFL or IELTS, DALF / DELF, DSH, etc.), as well as indicate the official results The dates of the test in a certain column of the questionnaire for the applicant for the Bolashak international scholarship




Applicants must provide the original valid official certificate of the established form for passing the state language exam with the result that meets the established minimum requirements, and also indicate the official test results in a certain section of the applicant’s application for the Bolashak international scholarship.

Dear Applicants! We urge you to provide:

– provision of documents at a high level of scanning;

– correct filling in of personal data of service recipients;

– Attaching documents to the appropriate tabs in the IIS E-Gov database.

Good luck!