Applicants for a Master’s Degree:


ü  a completed application form;

ü  identity card and passport;

ü  a bachelor’s or specialist’s diploma with a supplementary appendix, for holders of a diploma from a foreign educational organization – a certificate of recognition and / or nostrification of a document of education or another document of recognition of a document of education is needed, taking into account the features established by paragraph 8 of Article 39 of the Law;

ü  a valid official certificate of passing the state language exam with a result of at least B1;

ü  a medical certificate in the form of 082u for people traveling abroad;

ü  copies of documents confirming unconditional admission to academic studies (exception can be used for financial conditions), outlining the program, specialty, period of study, including notarized translations into Kazakh or Russian languages;

ü  an official document on academic performance issued by a foreign higher education institution / certificate of the established form, outlining the specialty, course (year of study), information about the grading system used in this educational institution, as well as the average score of current academic performance in this educational institution, with notarized certificates translations into Kazakh or Russian languages, if available, for persons studying in academic studies at leading foreign higher education institutions included in the List;


Eligibility Criteria to obtain Master’s degree for the Applicants from Rural Area:


ü  a completed application form;

ü  identity card and passport;

ü  a bachelor’s or specialist’s diploma with a supplementary appendix, for holders of foreign educational diploma organization, a certificate of recognition and / or nostrification of a document is needed, taking into account the features established by paragraph 8 of Article 39 of the Law;

ü  documents confirming labor activities, as well as an extract on the listed mandatory pension contributions for the last 2 (two) years of labor activity in rural settlements;

ü  a valid official certificate on passing the exam in the state language with a result of at least B1;

ü  a valid official certificate on passing the exam in a foreign language with a result that meets the established minimum requirements;

ü  a medical certificate in the form of 082u for people traveling abroad;

ü  reference of confirmation the applicant’s rural residence received by the Administrator from the relevant state information systems and databases.



Eligible Criteria for Applicants to obtain PhD degree:

ü   a completed application form;

ü   identity card and passport;

ü   a bachelor’s or specialist’s diploma with a supplementary appendix. For holders with diploma from foreign educational organization – a certificate of recognition and / or nostrification of a document of education or another document of recognition of a document of education is needed, taking into account the features established by paragraph 8 of Article 39 of the Law;

ü   a valid official certificate on passing the state language exam with a result of at least B1;

ü   a medical certificate for people traveling abroad in the form of 082u;

ü   copies of documents confirming unconditional admission to academic studies (exception could be taken for financial conditions), outlining the program, specialty, period of study, including notarized translations into Kazakh or Russian languages;

ü  an official transcript on academic performance issued by a foreign higher educational institution, outlining the specialty, course (year of study), information about the grading system used in this educational institution, as well as the average score of current academic performance, including notarized translations of certificates into Kazakh or Russian languages. (for those applicants currently studying at leading foreign higher education institutions included in the List);

ü  an individual study plan approved by the foreign higher educational institution, including prescribed deadlines that are set by this educational institution in order to obtain a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree. Notarized translation of study plan into Kazakh or Russian languages is supplemented.



Internship Applicants


Categories defined by the Republican Commission for the Training of Personnel Abroad for 2020:


ü  a completed application form;

ü  a completed by an employer application which is subject to preserve applicant’s workplace;

ü  identity card and passport;

ü  a bachelor’s or specialist’s diploma with a supplementary appendix. For holders with diploma from foreign educational organization – a certificate of recognition and / or nostrification of a document of education or another document of recognition of a document of education is needed, taking into account the features established by paragraph 8 of Article 39 of the Law;

ü  documents confirming the labor activity, as well as an extract on the listed mandatory pension contributions for the period of labor required in accordance with these Rules;

ü  a valid official certificate of the established form on passing the exam in a foreign language if there is a requirement of a foreign organization accepting the internship with the result corresponding to the internship, as well as visa issuance if necessary;

ü  a valid official certificate on passing the state language exam;

ü  a medical certificate in the form of 082u given for people traveling abroad;

ü  an unconditional offer (financial conditions could be taken for exception) from a foreign organization hosting the internship, indicating terms, cost breakdown. Notarized translations into Kazakh or Russian languages is compulsory;

ü  an internship program  that is set up in accordance with the requirements of State Body and approved by both Employer and Hosting organizations.




I Tour.

In the first round, comprehensive testing is carried out to determine the level of intellectual abilities, personal and business competencies, psychological readiness for studying abroad.


II Tour.

The second round is conducted by arranging for applicants to conduct an anonymous personal interview with members of the Independent Expert Commission.

In the second round, the level of professional training of the applicant, theoretical knowledge and the availability of professional competencies in the chosen field of specialization are determined.


III Tour.

Based on the recommendations of an Independent Expert Commission, the Republican Commission takes the final decision to award or refuse in awarding the Bolashak scholarship, which then is notified by posting information on the Administrator’s official Internet resource.




Within 90 calendar days from the date of the scholarship is the scholarship holder or his authorized representative contacts the Legal Department of JSC Center for International Programs (hereinafter the Company) to conclude an agreement with the Company on the organization of training and the real estate pledge. If the contracts are not concluded on time, the scholarship holder loses the status of holder of the Bolashak international scholarship. For more information on the contract conclusion procedures, see the Contracts section.