- #41240 (тақырып жоқ)
- #39535 (тақырып жоқ)
- #23172 (тақырып жоқ)
- #41357 (тақырып жоқ)
- Ұлыбритания және Құрлықтық Еуропа елдеріндегі оқуды ұйымдастыру басқармасының менеджері
- «Болашақ» бағдарламасы бойынша оқуды ұйымдастыру шарты үшін деректемелер
- «Болашақ» стипендиясынан айырылған немесе бас тартқан тұлғалар үшін деректемелер
- «Болашақ» халықаралық стипендиясы тағайындалуына үміткерлер үшін шет тілін білуінің қажетті ең төменгі деңгейі
- «Болашақ» халықаралық стипендиясын тағайындау үшін
- «Болашақ» халықаралық стипендиясының шекті санын анықтау туралы
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- 2021 жылға арналған басым мамандықтар тізбесі
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- Зерттеу және стратегиялық даму басқармасының басшысы
- Зерттеулер және стратегиялық даму басқармасының менеджері (уақытша жоқ жұмыскерді алмастыру кезеңіне)
- Ізденушілердің профильдері
- Канада стипендиаттары үшін консулдық есепке алу бойынша нұсқаулық
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- Комплаенс-офицер – Әдеп жөніндегі уәкіл
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- Солтүстік Америка, ТМД, Азия және Океания елдеріндегі оқуды ұйымдастыру басқармасының менеджері
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- Стипендия иегерлері
- Сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы актілер және қоғамның меморандумдары
- Сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимыл
- Сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимыл
- Сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы қызмет
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- Тағылымдама
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- Тағылымдамалар
- Тағылымдамалар АҚШ, Канада
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- Ұсынылатын ЖОО-лар тізімі
- Шарт жасау және наразылық-талап қою жұмысы басқармасының басшысы
- Шарттық және наразылық-талап қою жұмысы басқармасының менеджері (уақытша жоқ жұмыскерді алмастыру кезеңіне)
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- Біздің түлектер
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- Біздің команда
- Обладатели стипендии от 27 августа 2013 года
2021 жылға арналған басым мамандықтар тізбесі
2021 жылға арналған «Болашақ» халықаралық стипендиясын тағайындауға арналған басым мамандықтар тізбесі | |||||
I. Академиялық оқу мамандықтары | |||||
№ | № | Мамандықтар | Мамандықтың ағылшын тіліндегі баламасы | Бағдарлама | Код |
1. Инновациялар және технологиялар
(орындар саны: Магистратура – 80, Докторантура – 10) |
1 | 1 | Цифрлық экономика. Цифрлық маркетинг | Engineering with Finance; Banking and Digital Finance; Emerging Economies and International Development; Digital Economy; International Banking Law and Finance ; International Business and Emerging Markets ; International Economic Law; Marketing and Business Analysis; Banking, Regulation and Financial Stability; International Accounting & Financial Management; Media Management; Management with International Finance; Data Analytics for Economics & Finance; Intellectual Property & the Digital Economy; Digital Economy; Artificial Intelligence for Business; Economics for Development; Mathematical and Computational Finance; Business and Finance; Business with Operations Management; Business with Marketing; Business with Consulting; e-Business Management; Management for Business Excellence; Management of Information Systems and Digital Innovation; Business Analysis and Strategic Management; Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis; Commercial Project Management; Renewable Energy and Clean Technology with Extended Research; Business Analytics and Finance; Digital Business; Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship; E-Business (E-Marketing); E-Business (Information Systems); E-Business; Advanced Computer Science with Business; Language for Business: Business Management and Enterprise; Business Technology Consulting; Information Management and Digital Business – Digital; Information Management and Digital Business – Big Data in Business; Information Management and Digital Business – Digital Health and Data Analytics; Digital Business; Digital Business, Innovation and Management; Digital Marketing and Channel Management; Digital Business and management; Economics for Business Intelligence and Systems; Economics; Applied Economics; Advanced Economics; Economics / Economics (Econometrics) / Economics (Finance); Environmental and Resource Economics; Commerce; Financial Economics; International and Development Economics; International Management; Marketing Management; Digital Transformation; Applied Marketing; Business and Economics; Economic Analytics; Finance and Business Economics; International Management; International Trade and Development; Marketing; Management (Marketing); Digital Marketing; Logistics Management; Supply Chain Management; Economics and Public Policy; International Economics and Finance; Business Economics (Marketing); Business Economics (Accountancy); Business Economics (Corporate Finance); International Business Economics and Management; Information Management; Advanced Studies in Economics; Economics and Strategy for Business; International Management; Investment and Wealth Management; Strategic Marketing; International Political Economy; Digital Economy; Digital Marketing; Economics & Finance; Political Economy of Emerging Markets; Economics and Philosophy; Management and Strategy; Real Estate Economics and Finance; International Business and Emerging Markets; Management of Bioeconomy, Innovation and Governance; Marketing and Business Analysis; Business Analysis and Strategic Management; Development Economics and Policy; Development Policy and Management; Economics and Business; Business with Marketing; Policy Economics; Marketing and Strategy; International Business; Economic Development; Business Studies & Management; Investment and Wealth Management; Global Marketing Management; Finance & Investment Management; Health Economics and Econometrics; International Marketing; Investments; Strategic management and leadership; Public Management; Economics, Finance and Management; Economic Research; Economic and Social History; Strategy, Marketing and Operations; Economics, Banking and Finance; Finance and economic development; Financial economics; International Strategic Marketing; Management with Enterprise & Business Growth; Global Business; Economics for Development; Law and Finance; Management; Business Analytics and Management Science; Business and Heritage Management; Digital Marketing; Finance and Economics; Global Advertising and Branding; International Entrepreneurship and Management; International Management; Marketing Analytics; Marketing Management; Behavioural and Economic Science; Business with Marketing; Business with Operations Management; Economics and International Financial Economics; Service Management and Design; Development and International Business; Business and Management; Advertising and Marketing; International Marketing Management; Language for Business Management and Enterprise; Language for Business: Business Management and Enterprise; Language for Business: Economics and Finance; Language for Business: Marketing; Language for Economics and Finance; Language for Marketing; Supply Chain and Operations Management; Business Finance and Economics; International Management and Marketing; Strategy and business economics; Management Analytics; Economics, Global Development; Global Marketing Management; Applied Economics and Management; Management (International Business); International & Development Economics;Economics of International Finance and Trade | Магистратура
Докторантура |
1.1 М
1.1 Д |
2 | 2 | Инновациялық менеджмент. Технологиялар менеджменті | Computational Statistics and Machine Learning; Development, Technology and Innovation Policy; Digital Engineering Management; Digital Innovation in Built Asset Management; Disability, Design and Innovation; Engineering with Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Management of Complex Projects; Project and Enterprise Management; Prosperity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Strategic Management of Projects; Technology Management; Advanced Computational Methods for Aeronautics, Flow Management and Fluid-Structure Interaction; Innovation Design Engineering; Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management; Telecommunications & Internet Technology; Tissue Engineering & Innovation Technology; Data Science, Technology and Innovation; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Innovation, Technology and the Law; Management of Bioeconomy, Innovation and Governance; Science and Technology in Society; Future Innovation in Non-Destructive Evaluation; Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation); Industrial Systems, Manufacture, and Management; Social Innovation; Strategy, Marketing and Operations; Information Management & Preservation; Creative Industries & Cultural Policy; International Management & Design Innovation; Information Management & Preservation; Artificial Intelligence for Business; Major Programme Management; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; International Technology Management; Management of Information Systems and Digital Innovation; Programme and Project Management; Engineering Project Management; Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship; Management and Information Systems: Change and Development; Management of Projects; Advanced Engineering Management; Advanced Engineering Management: Project Management; Advanced Engineering Management: Systems Management; Strategy, Management; Systems Management, Advanced Engineering Management; Business Strategy and Innovation Management; Digital Strategy and Information Systems; International Entrepreneurship and Management; Computing and IT Management; Computing and IT Management with Placement; Manufacturing Engineering Innovation & Management; Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship; Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist; Innovation and Enterprise; Strategic Studies and Management; Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management; Digital Information Management and Systems Innovation; Enterprise and Entrepreneurship; Global Strategy and Innovation Management; Language for Business Management and Enterprise; Advanced Manufacturing Systems and Technology; Product Design and Management; Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing; Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Management; Industrial Engineering and Operations Management; Strategic Innovation Management; Strategic Marketing; Human-Centred Interactive Technologies; Innovation, Leadership and Management; Innovation and Improvement Science; Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Management of Information Systems and Digital Innovation; Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management; Innovation and Technology Management; Multilingual Information Management; Smart Technologies | Магистратура
Докторантура |
1.2 М
1.2 Д |
3 | 3 | Үлкен деректерді талдау. Салалар бойынша предиктивті талдау | Data Science; Data Science and Machine Learning; Data Science for Cultural Heritage;Health Data Analytics; Health Data Science; Knowledge, Information and Data Science;Scientific and Data Intensive Computing; Scientific and Data Intensive Computing; Social and Geographic Data Science; Spatial Data Science and Visualisation; Spatio-Temporal Analytics and Big Data Mining; Business Analytics; Biomedical Research (Data Science); Environmental Data Science and Machine Learning; Machine Learning and Data Science; Analytical Toxicology; Big Data in Culture & Society; Finance Analytics; Human Resource Management & Organisational Analysis; Pharmaceutical Analysis, Technology and Biopharmaceuticals; Risk Analysis, Disasters and Resilience; Analysis; Analytical Chemistry; Data Science, Technology and Innovation; Informatics: AIAI: Foundations and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Automated Reasoning, Agents, Data Intensive Research; Leading Major Programmes; Marketing and Business Analysis; Operational Research with Data Science; Computational Statistics and Data Science: Compass; Computational Statistics and Data Science; Financial Technology with Data Science; Management (Digitalisation and Big Data); Healthcare Data and Informatics; Healthcare Data: Informatics, Innovation and Commercialization; Innovation, Strategy and Organisation; Data Science & Artificial Intelligence; Data Analytics for Economics & Finance; Data Analytics for Economics & Finance; Data Analytics for Government; Urban Analytics; Social Data Science; Analytical Sciences and Instrumentation; Behavioural and Data Science; Big Data and Digital Future Politics, Big Data and Quantitative Methods; Urban Analytics and Visualisation; Data Science (Applied Urban Analytics); Data Science (Business and Management); Data Science (Computer Science Data Informatics); Data Science (Environmental Analytics); Data Science (Mathematics); Data Science (Social Analytics); Experimental Psychology with Data Science; Health Data Science; Responsible Data Science; Big Data Biology; Data Analytics for Government; Data and Decision Analytics; Marketing Analytics; Computational and Data Journalism; Data Science and Analytics; Data Science (Digital Humanities); Cloud Computing for Big Data; Data Science (with Specialisation in Artificial Intelligence); Data Science (with Specialisation in Statistics); Data Science (with Specialisation in Visualization); International Financial Analysis; Big Data Science; Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (Conversion Programme); Health Data in Practice; Internet of Things (Data); Machine Learning for Visual Data Analytics; Big Data, Analytics and Digitisation; Applied Data Science (Ecology and Evolution); Applied Data Science (Environment and Sustainability); Applied Data Science (Renewable Energy); Applied Data Science and Modelling; Applied Data Science and Statistics; Applied Social Data Science; Data Science with Artificial Intelligence; Data Science with Business; Data Science (Professional); Data Analytics and Human Resource Management; Data Science and Analytics for Health; Urban Data Science and Analytics; Big Data and High Performance Computing; Business Analytics and Big Data; Big Data and High Performance Computing with a Year in Industry; Economics and Data Science; Data Science and Advanced Computing; Human and Social Data Science; Computer Science with Data Analytics; Project Analysis, Finance and Investment; Media and Communications (Data and Society); Applied Social Data Science; Media and Communications (Data and Society); Geographic Data Science; Applied Social Data Science; Operations Research & Analytics;Behavioural Economics and Data Science; Cultural Data Management and Communication; Data Communications; Psychological Research Methods with Data Science; Computer Science with Specialization in Data-Centric Computing; Big Data | Магистратура
Докторантура |
1.3 М
1.3 Д |
4 | 4 | Ақпараттық қауіпсіздік (кибер) және криптография | Information Security; Computing (Security and Reliability); Security and Resilience: Science and Technology; Advanced Cyber Security; Cyber Security; Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust; Cyber Security (TIPS at Scale); Mathematics of Cybersecurity; Software and Systems Security; Cyber Security Engineering; Cyber Security and Management; International Security and Risk; Digital and Technology Solutions (Cyber Security Specialist); Cyber Security Analytics; Cyberphysical Systems; Computer Science with Cyber Security; Criminology (Cybercrime and Cybersecurity); Computer Science with Specialization in Cyber Security; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
1.4 М
1.4 Д |
5 | 5 | Кәсіпкерлік | Entrepreneurship; Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship; ; International Entrepreneurship and Management; Engineering with Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Management (Entrepreneurship and Innovation); Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship; International Entrepreneurship and Management; Management (Entrepreneurship); Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship; Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurship & Innovation Management | Магистратура
Докторантура |
1.5 М
1.5 Д |
6 | 6 | Робот техникасы | Robotics and Autonomous Systems; Intelligent Robotics; Human and Biological Robotics; Robotics and Autonomous Systems (with an industrial placement year); Computer Vision, Robotics and Machine Learningс | Магистратура
Докторантура |
1.6 М
1.6 Д |
7 | 7 | Медиа технологиялар. Цифрлық медиа. Сервистік платформаларды әзірлеу. Визуалды мазмұнның дизайны | Digital Engineering Management; Digital Innovation in Built Asset Management; Digital Media: Critical Studies; Digital Media: Education; Digital Media: Production; Digital Technologies and Policy; Disability, Design and Innovation; Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technologies; Virtual Reality; Bio-Integrated Design; Analogue and Digital Integrated Circuit Design; Global Innovation Design; Medical Device Design and Entrepreneurship; Science Media Production;Strategic Marketing; Digital Asset & Media Management; Digital Marketing; Global Media Industries; Design and Digital Media; Digital Sociology; Digital Media Design; Digital Health; Sensor Technologies and Applications; Media Management; Sensor & Imaging Systems; Creative and Media Enterprises; Digital Media and Culture; Global Media and Communication; Smart, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles; Digital Technologies, Communication and Education; Media Arts and Technology Program; Communication Design; Digital Strategy and Information Systems; Digital Marketing; Global Media Management; Microelectronics Systems Design; Digital Documentaries; Digital and Technology Solutions (Cyber Security Specialist); Digital and Technology Solutions (Data Analytics Specialist); Digital and Technology Solutions (Software Engineering Specialist); Digital Media; Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist; Media and Arts Technology; Media Technology; Technology, Media and Telecommunications Law; Computing with Digital Media; Bioimaging; Emerging Media Studies; Additive Manufacturing and 3D Printing; 3D Printing; Leadership in Service Innovation; Service Innovation; 3D Design for Virtual Environments; 3D Design; Virtual Reality & Smart Technologies; Information Systems and Digital Innovation | Магистратура
Докторантура |
1.7 М
1.7 Д |
8 | 8 | Қаржылық технологиялар | Engineering with Finance; Financial Technology; Financial Risk Management; Infrastructure Investment and Finance; Infrastructure Investment and Finance; Infrastructure Planning, Appraisal and Development; Real Estate Economics and Investment Analysis; Venture Capital and Private Equity with Financial Technology; Banking and Digital Finance; Climate Change, Management and Finance;Computing (Management and Finance); Risk Management and Financial Engineering; Accounting, Accountability & Financial Management; Computational Finance; Digital Economy; Finance (Asset Pricing); Advanced Technology for Financial Computing; Computational Mathematical Finance; Finance, Technology and Policy; Financial Mathematics; Financial Technology; Financial Technology with Data Science; Global Central Banking and Financial Regulation; Development Finance; Financial Management; Management (Finance); Financial Computing; Financial Technology (Fintech); Financial and Computational Mathematics; Fintech, Risk and Investment Analysis; Financial Engineering; FinTech and Policy | Магистратура
Докторантура |
1.8 М
1.8 Д |
9 | 9 | Қашықтан басқару жүйесі | Remote Pilot Aircraft Systems; Autonomous Vehicle Dynamics and Control; Reliability and Maintenance Analysis of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; Design and Development of Vehicle Dynamics; Aerial Robotics; Robotics & AI; Information and Process Systems Engineering | Магистратура
Докторантура |
1.9 М
1.9 Д |
10 | 10 | Жаңа материалдар технологиясы | New Materials, Processes, and Methods Technology; Material and Visual Culture; Materials for Energy and Environment; Molecular Modelling; Advanced Materials Science; Advanced Materials Science (Energy Storage); Advanced Materials for Sustainable Infrastructure; Materials Science and Engineering; Advanced Materials Science and Engineering; Soft Electronic Materials; Materials and Processes; Computational Methods for Materials Science; Materials Science and Metallurgy; Advanced Functional Materials; Advanced Engineering Materials;Corrosion Control Engineering; Corrosion Engineering; Polymer Materials Science and Engineering; Materials Engineering; Advanced Materials Science and Engineering; Materials Research; Advanced Aerospace Materials Manufacturing; Materials Science Engineering; Advanced Metallic Materials and Engineering; Sustainable Мaterials; Advanced Materials; Nanomaterials and Materials Science; Polymers and Composites; Composites; Advanced Metallic Materials and Engineering; Materials Science and Metallurgy | Магистратура
Докторантура |
1.10 М
1.10 Д |
11 | 11 | Наноматериалдар мен нанотехнологиялар | Nanotechnology; Nanotechnology and Regenerative Medicine; Nanomaterials; Physics with Nanophotonics; Integrated Micro and Nano Systems; Aerosol Science; Nanoscience and Functional Nanomaterials; Micro and Nanotechnology Enterprise; Nanoscience and Nanotechnology; Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care; Environmental and Biological Nanoscience; Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Human and Environmental Health Impacts; Micro and Nanotechnology; Nanoscale Science and Technology; Nanomaterials and Energy; Nanoscience; Nanotechnology and Renewable Energy; Nanomaterials and Materials Science | Магистратура
Докторантура |
1.11 М
1.11 Д |
2. Өнеркәсіптік инженерия
(орындар саны: Магистратура – 110, Докторантура – 10) |
12 | 1 | Авиация және аэроғарыштық техника. Әуе қозғалысын басқару | Space Science and Engineering: Space Science; Space Science and Engineering: Space Technology; Space Syntax: Architecture and Cities; Space Systems Engineering; Advanced Aeronautical Engineering; Advanced Computational Methods for Aeronautics, Flow Management and Fluid-Structure Interaction; Composites: the Science, Technology and Engineering Application of Advanced Composites; Astrophysics; Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences; Aerospace Engineering; Astrophysics; Aerospace Engineering & Management; Aerodynamics and Computation; Space Systems Engineering; Data Intensive Astrophysics; Astronomy and Physics; Engineering (Aeronautical); Particles, Strings and Cosmology; Advanced Aeronautical Engineering and Space; Aerospace Structures and Materials; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Aerospace Engineering; Advanced Aerospace Engineering; Air Transport Management; Satellite Communications Engineering; Advanced Aerospace Technologies | Магистратура
Докторантура |
2.1 М
2.1 Д |
13 | 2 | Урбанистика. Сәулет. Қалаларды басқару. Тұрақты қалалар. Ақылды қала жүйесі | City Planning; Housing and City Planning; International Real Estate and Planning; Landscape Architecture; Naval Architecture; Spatial Planning; Spatial Planning Degree Apprenticeship; Sustainable Urbanism; Urban Design;Urban Design and City Planning; Urban Development Planning; Urban Economic Development; Urban Innovation and Policy; Urban Regeneration; Urban Studies; Urban Sustainability and Resilience; Architectural Computation; Architectural Computation; Architectural Design; Architectural History; Architecture; Architecture and Digital Theory; Architecture and Historic Urban Environments; Architectural and Urban Design; Architectural Conservation; Architecture by Design; Interior, Architectural and Spatial Design; Landscape and Wellbeing; Urban Strategies and Design; Architecture and Urban Design; Architecture and Urban Studies; Architecture Apprenticeship; International Real Estate & Management; International Strategic Marketing; Urban Analytics City Planning & Real Estate Development; Urban Research; Architectural History; Sustainable Urban Development; Architecture and Urbanism; Environmental Impact Assessment & Management; Urban Design and International Planning; Urban Regeneration and Development; Urban and Regional Planning (with RTPI accreditation); Architecture: Professional Practice; Advanced Architectural Design; Architectural Practice and Management; Architecture and Landscape Architecture; Architecture, Planning and Landscape; Landscape Architecture Studies; Naval Architecture; Urban Energy Technology and Policy (with specialist pathways in Planning, Architecture); Urban Energy Technology and Policy; Town and Regional Planning; Housing and Community Planning; Climate Resilience and Environmental Sustainability in Architecture; Arts: Architecture; Architecture and Sustainable Design; Architecture Design; Architecture Design and Build; Renewable Energy and Architecture; Sustainable Urban Design; Regional and Urban Planning Studies; Modern Building Design; Architectural Engineering: Environmental; Architectural Engineering Design; Architecture: Collaborative Practice; Sustainable Architecture Studies; Spatial Development; Smart City; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
2.2 М
2.2 Д |
14 | 3 | Атом өнеркәсібі. Ядролық инженерия | Quantum Technologies; Nuclear Physics; Particle and Nuclear Physics; Nuclear Science and Engineering; Nuclear Energy; Nuclear Energy Futures; Nuclear & Environmental Physics; Atomic and Laser Physics; Nuclear Science and Technology; Nuclear Decommissioning and Waste Management; Nuclear Science and Technology; Radiometrics: Instrumentation and Modelling; Quantum Technology; Nuclear Science and Applications; Radiation and Environmental Protection; Nuclear Science and Technology | Магистратура
Докторантура |
2.3 М
2.3 Д |
15 | 4 | Инженерлік жүйелер мен желілер | Connected Electronic and Photonic Systems; Connected Environments; Machine Learning; Systems Engineering Management; Applied Computational Science and Engineering; Applied Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Composites: the Science, Technology and Engineering Application of Advanced Composites; Computing (Software Engineering); Control and Optimisation; Advanced Software Engineering;Electronic Engineering with Management; Engineering with Management; Advanced Microelectronic Systems Engineering; Electrical and Electronic Engineering; Engineering Mathematics; Engineering with Management; Optoelectronic and Quantum Technologies; Engineering; Electronics & Electrical Engineering & Management; Mechanical Engineering & Management; Electronics & Photonics Manufacturing; Product Design Engineering; Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems; Engineering Business Management; Humanitarian Engineering; Humanitarian Engineering (with Management); Humanitarian Engineering (with Sustainability); Manufacturing Systems Engineering and Management; Advanced Control and Systems Engineering; Advanced Control and Systems Engineering with Extended Research; Advanced Engineering Materials; Advanced Manufacturing Technology & Systems Management; Advanced Process Integration and Design; Communications and Signal Processing; Communications and Signal Processing with Extended Research; Engineering Project Management; Reliability Engineering and Asset Management; Thermal Power & Fluid Engineering; Tissue Engineering for Regenerative Medicine;Advanced Engineering Management; Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering; Electronic and Computer Engineering; Electrical Power Systems; Operations Management, Advanced Engineering Management; Systems Management, Advanced Engineering Management; Electrochemistry and Battery Technologies; Electronic Engineering; Maritime Engineering Science: Advanced Computational Engineering; Maritime Engineering Science: Marine Engineering and Autonomy; Maritime Engineering Science: Naval Architecture; Maritime Engineering Science: Yacht and High-performance Craft; Propulsion and Engine Systems Engineering (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science); Systems, Control and Signal Processing; Engineering (Electrical); Engineering (Electronic); Engineering, General; General Engineering; Automation and Control; Microelectronics: Systems and Devices; Smart Systems Engineering; Advanced Electronic and Electrical Engineering; Electronic Engineering by Research; Safety and Reliability Engineering; Safety and Reliability Engineering for Oil and Gas; Microelectronic Systems; Microelectronic Systems with a Year in Industry; Advanced Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Extended Research; Safety Critical Systems Engineering; System Safety Engineering; Embedded Wireless Systems; Machine Learning and Autonomous Systems; Advanced Control and Systems Engineering (with Industrial Management); Advanced Control and Systems Engineering (with Industry); Engineering LEAP: Late Entry Accelerated Program; Engineering Practice; Engineering | Магистратура
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2.4 М
2.4 Д |
16 | 5 | Машина жасау | Mechanical Engineering; Advanced Mechanical Engineering; Composites: the Science, Technology and Engineering Application of Advanced Composites; Control and Optimisation; Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence; Mechanical Engineering & Management; Mechatronics; Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems; Advanced Mechanical Engineering; Mechanical Engineering Design; Computational Engineering Design (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science); Engineering Materials (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science); Mechatronics (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science); Propulsion and Engine Systems Engineering (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science); Race Car Aerodynamics; Engineering (Mechanical); Mechanical Engineering (Advanced); ndustrial Automation and Machine Learning; Mechanical and Systems Engineering; Mechanical Engineering with Management; Mechanical Engineering with Project Management; Advanced Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives; | Магистратура
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2.5 М
2.5 Д |
17 | 6 | Химиялық инженерия | Advanced Chemical Engineering; Advanced Chemical Engineering with Biotechnology; Advanced Chemical Engineering with Process Systems Engineering; Advanced Chemical Engineering with Structured Product Engineering; Inorganic Chemistry for Future Manufacturing;Biochemical Engineering; Chemical Process Engineering; Chemical Research; Applied Analytical Chemistry; Advanced Molecular Synthesis; Catalysis: Chemistry and Engineering; Molecular Engineering; Chemistry with Industrial Collaboration; Polymers, Colorants and Fine Chemicals; Analytical Chemistry; Automated Chemical Synthesis Enabled by Digital Molecular Technologies; Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology; Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry; Industrial Heterogeneous Catalysis; Stem Cell Engineering for Regenerative Medicine; Theoretical and Computational Chemistry; Analytical and Polymer Science; Molecular Analytical Science; Polymer Chemistry; Polymer Materials Science and Engineering; Advanced Chemical Engineering with Bioprocessing; Advanced Chemical Engineering with Energy; Advanced Chemical Engineering with Formulation; Advanced Chemical Engineering with Healthcare Technology; Formulation Engineering; Chemistry and Maths; Chemistry and Physics; Sustainable Chemical Engineering; Advanced Polymer Science and Engineering; Chemical Research; Chemical Process Engineering; Polymers, Colorants and Fine Chemicals; Process Systems Engineering; Biochemical Engineering with Industrial Management; Polymers for Advanced Technologies; | Магистратура
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2.6 М
2.6 Д |
18 | 7 | Мұнайгаз инжинирингі | Petroleum engineering; Integrated Petroleum Geoscience; Oil and Gas Engineering; Oil and Gas Enterprise Management; Oil and Gas Law with Dissertation; Oil and Gas Law with Professional Skills; Petroleum Data Management; Petroleum, Energy Economics and Finance; Petroleum, Energy Economics and Law; Safety and Reliability Engineering for Oil and Gas; Petroleum Production Engineering; Chemical Engineering – Oil and Gas Processing/Petroleum Engineering; Drilling and Well Engineering; Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering; Offshore and Ocean Technology with Pipeline Engineering; Offshore Engineering; Offshore Plant Engineering; Offshore Technology; Offshore Technology with Specialization in Subsea Engineering; Oil and Gas Chemistry; Oil and Gas Engineering; Oil and Gas Technology; Petroleum and Environmental Process Engineering; Petroleum and Gas Engineering; Petroleum and Mineral Engineering; Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering; Petroleum Engineering; Petroleum Engineering and Geosciences; Petroleum Engineering: Geoscience Technologies; Petroleum Exploration Geoscience; Petroleum Geochemistry; Petroleum Geophysics; Petroleum Geoscience – Basin Evolution and Dynamics; Petroleum Geoscience for Reservoir Development and Production; Petroleum Geosciences Engineering; Petroleum Refining Systems Engineering; Petroleum Reservoir Systems; Petroleum Technology; Pipeline Engineering; Port, Coastal and Offshore Engineering; Refinery Design and Operation; Reservoir Evaluation and Management; Smart Oilfield Technologies; Subsea Engineering; Well Engineering | Магистратура
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2.7 М
2.7 Д |
19 | 8 | Электроника және телекоммуникациялық жүйелер | Telecommunications; Telecommunications (IGDP); Telecommunications with Business; Communications and Signal Processing; Science Communication; Mobile & Personal Communications; Telecommunications & Internet Technology; Digital Communications; Signal Processing and Communications; Communication Networks and Signal Processing; Image and Video Communications and Signal Processing; Optical Communications and Signal Processing; Connected Electronic & Photonic Systems; Communications and Information Engineering; Communications Engineering; Mobile Communications and Smart Networking; Communication Technology and Entrepreneurship; Compound Semiconductor Electronics; Wireless and Microwave Communication Engineering; Wireless and Microwave Communication Engineering with a Research Year; Wireless and Microwave Communication Engineering with a Year in Industry; Communications and Signal Processing; Telecommunications and Wireless Systems; Microelectronic Systems; Microelectronic Systems with a Year in Industry; Electronic and Electrical Engineering; Electronic Engineering by Research; Electronics & Electrical Engineering & Management; Electronic Engineering; Telecommunications and Wireless Systems with a Year in Industry; Advanced Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Extended Research; Electronic Communications and Computer Engineering; 5G Mobile Communications and Intelligent Embedded Systems (with an industrial placement year); 5G Mobile Communications and Intelligent Embedded Systems; Communications Engineering; Communication Systems; 5G and Future Generation Communication Systems; Communications Networks and Software; Electronic Engineering with Professional Postgraduate Year; Mobile and Satellite Communications; Advanced Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives; Wireless Communication Systems | Магистратура
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2.8 М
2.8 Д |
20 | 9 | Стандарттау, сертификаттау және метрология | Control and Optimisation; Advanced Manufacturing Technology & Systems Management; Certification and Metrology; Electronic Systems Engineering and Management; Electronics and Electrical Engineering and Management; Engineering and Management; Engineering and Technology Management; Control and Dynamical Systems; Control Engineering; Systems Science & Engineering; Advanced Control and Systems Engineering with Extended Research; Advanced Control and Systems Engineering; Advanced Manufacturing Technology & Systems Management; Control Systems | Магистратура
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2.9 М
2.9 Д |
21 | 10 | Құрылыс инженериясы | Building and Urban Design in Development;Built Environment: Environmental Design and Engineering;Built Environment: Sustainable Heritage; City Planning; Civil Engineering; Civil Engineering (with Environmental Systems); Civil Engineering (with Fluids); Civil Engineering (with Infrastructure Planning); Civil Engineering (with Integrated Design); Civil Engineering (with Railways); Civil Engineering (with Seismic Design); Construction Economics and Management; Digital Innovation in Built Asset Management; Housing and City Planning; International Planning; Smart Buildings and Digital Engineering; Smart Cities and Urban Analytics; Smart Cities and Urban Analytics (RTPI Pathway); Smart Energy and the Built Environment; Concrete Structures; Earthquake Engineering; Engineering Fluid Mechanics for the Offshore, Coastal and Built Environments;General Structural Engineering;Soil Mechanics; Structural Steel Design; Infrastructure and the Environment; Earthquake Engineering and Infrastructure Resilience; Construction Engineering; Future Infrastructure and Built Environment; Interdisciplinary Design for the Built Environment; Civil Engineering & Management; Structural Engineering; Tunnelling and Underground Space; Construction Project Management; Advanced Engineering Management : Construction Management; Construction Management, Advanced Engineering Management; Civil Engineering with Integrated Qualifying Year; Advanced Building Performance Evaluation; Building and Infrastructure Information Modelling (BIM) for Smart Engineering; Civil and Geoenvironmental Engineering; Civil and Water Engineering; Environmental Design of Buildings; Sustainable Building Conservation; Sustainable Mega-Buildings; Engineering (Civil); Civil Engineering (Environmental); Civil Engineering (Geotechnical and Engineering Geology); Civil Engineering (Structural); Civil Engineering (Transport); Civil Engineering (Water Resources); Advanced Structural Engineering; Building Information Modelling; Sustainable Civil and Structural Engineering; Building Performance Engineering; Sustainable Building Technology; Sustainable Building Technology (Collaborative); Construction Management and Engineering; Construction Cost Management; Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environments; Construction Cost Management; Construction Management; Design and Management of Sustainable Built Environments; Digital Design and Construction; Bridge Engineering; Infrastructure Engineering and Management; Modern Building Design; Civil Engineering: Innovative Structural Materials; Infrastructure and Urban Systems Engineering; | Магистратура
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2.10 М
2.10 Д |
22 | 11 | Азық-түлік өнімдерінің технологиясы | Agriculture and Food Security; Food Safety; Food Security; Global Food Security and Nutrition; Food and Human Nutrition; Food and Rural Development Research; Food and Society; Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security; Food Quality and Innovation; Food Science (Food Biotechnology); Food Science; Food Science and Nutrition; Sustainable Food Systems; Food Process Engineering; Food Production Management; Food Technology – Quality Assurance; Sustainable Food Quality for Health; Nutrition and Food Science; Sustainable Food Quality for Health; Food Economics and Marketing; Food Security and Development; Food Systems; Food and Development; Gastronomy | Магистратура
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2.11 М
2.11 Д |
23 | 12 | Көлік технологиялары. Көлік инженериясы. Логистика | Rail Systems Engineering; Transport; Transport and City Planning; Transport with Business Management; Global Operations and Supply Chain Management; Urban Transport; International Trade, Strategy and Operations; Supply Chain and Logistics Management; Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management; Railway Safety and Control Systems; Railway Systems Engineering and Integration; Railway Systems Integration; Road Management and Engineering; Logistics and Supply Chain Analytics; Race Car Aerodynamics; Transportation Planning and Engineering: Infrastructure; Transportation Planning and Engineering: Operations; Sustainable Supply Chain Management; Transport and Planning; Management (Supply Chain Logistics); Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management; Transport Engineering, Planning and Management; Transport and Intelligent Mobility; International Supply Chain Management; Transport Infrastructure: Design and Construction; Transport Planning and Engineering; Global Supply Chain Management; Railway Operations, Management and Policy; Sustainability in Transport; Transport Economics; Transport Planning; Transport Planning and the Environment; Operations and Supply Chain Management; Logistics and Supply Chain Management; Power Electronics and Drives; Supply Chain and Operations Management; Sustainable Transportation and Electrical Power Systems; Transportation Infrastructure Engineering; Global Supply Chain and Logistics Management; Railway Studies; Advanced Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives; Economics and Business Administration — Operations and Supply Chain Analytics; Operations Management; Operations Research; Industrial Engineering & Operations Research; Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics; Operations Research and Quantitative Logistics; Supply Chain Management; Supply Chain Engineering; International Logistics; Transport; Transport and Business Management; Engineering: Logistics and Traffic; Supply Chain and Logistics; Collaborative Urban Logistics; Supply Chain Risks; Transportation Systems Analysis & Planning; Business Logistics Engineering; Transport and Logistics; Transportation Systems; Transport and City Planning; Transport with Business Management; Global Operations and Supply Chain Management; Transportation and Logistics; Operations and Supply Chain Management; Operations, Project and Supply Chain Management; Logistics Management; Logistics and Supply Chain Management; Supply Chain and Operations Management; Supply Chain Management and Logistics; Supply Chain and Logistics Management; Transport and Supply Chain Management | Магистратура
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2.12 М
2.12 Д |
24 | 13 | Инженерлік экономика | Engineering Economics; Electronics & Electrical Engineering & Management; Intellectual Property & the Digital Economy; Engineering Business Management; Engineering Project Management; Engineering Technology and Business Management; | Магистратура
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2.13 М
2.13 Д |
25 | 14 | Энергетикалық технологиялар мен жүйелер | Energy Systems and Data Analytics; Energy, Technology and Public Policy; Materials for Energy and Environment; Power Systems Engineering; Smart Energy and the Built Environment; Sustainable Resources: Economics, Policy and Transitions; Future Power Networks; Green Chemistry, Energy and the Environment; Metals and Energy Finance; Sustainable Energy Futures; Advanced Power Engineering; Electrical Power Engineering; Energy Systems;Energy, Society and Sustainability; GeoEnergy; Offshore Renewable Energy;c Sustainable Energy Systems; Wind and Marine Energy Systems and Structures; Energy Technologies; Future Propulsion and Power; Nuclear Energy; Nuclear Energy Futures; Sustainable Energy; Energy Systems; Sustainable Energy Technologies; Advanced Electrical Power Systems Engineering; Advanced Process Integration and Design; Electrical Power Systems Engineering; Renewable Energy and Clean Technology; Subsurface Energy Engineering;Thermal Power & Fluid Engineering; Electrical Power Systems with Advanced Research; Electrical Power Systems; Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and their Applications; Energy and Sustainability with Electrical Power Engineering; Energy and Sustainability: Energy, Environment and Buildings; Energy and Sustainability: Energy, Resources and Climate Change; Sustainable Energy Technologies; Electrical Energy Systems; Sustainable Energy and Environment; Engineering (Renewable Energy); New and Renewable Energy; Sustainability, Energy and Development; Electrical Power Engineering; Electrical Power; Energy and Sustainability; Renewable Energy, Enterprise and Management; Urban Energy Technology and Policy; Urban Energy Technology and Policy (with specialist pathways in Planning, Architecture); Energy and Natural Resources Law; Energy and Environmental Law with Dissertation; Energy and Environmental Law with Professional Skills; Energy Law with Dissertation; Energy Law with Professional Skills; Energy Politics and Law; Energy Transition Systems and Technologies; Energy Management; Strategic Studies and Energy Security; Applied Data Science (Renewable Energy); Electrical Engineering and Renewable Energy Systems; Energy and Environment; Energy and Power Systems; Energy and Power Systems with a Year in Industry; Electrical Engineering for Sustainable and Renewable Energy; Power Electronics and Drives; Renewable Energy and Architecture; Sustainable Energy and Entrepreneurship; Energy and Environmental Engineering; Renewable Energy: Technology and Sustainability; Nanomaterials and Energy; Energy and Climate Policy; Fusion Energy; Nanotechnology and Renewable Energy; Energy Engineering with Industrial Management; Environmental and Energy Engineering; Energy & Environment; Metals and Energy Finance | Магистратура
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2.14 М
2.14 Д |
26 | 15 | Ақпараттық технологиялар мен жүйелер | Computational Statistics and Machine Learning; Computer Graphics, Vision and Imaging; Computer Science; Integrated Machine Learning Systems; Internet Engineering; Robotics and Computation; Software Systems Engineering; Advanced Computing; Applied Computational Science and Engineering; Applied Machine Learning; Artificial Intelligence; Computing (Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning); Computing (Software Engineering); Computing; ; Medical Robotics and Image-Guided Intervention; Advanced Software Engineering; Urban Informatics; Advanced Design Informatics; Design Informatics; Electronics; High Performance Computing; Informatics: AIAI: Foundations and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Automated Reasoning, Agents, Data Intensive Research; Informatics: ANC: Machine Learning, Computational Neuroscience, Computational Biology; Informatics: ICSA: Computer Architecture, Compilation and System Software, Networks and Communication; Informatics: ILCC: Language Processing, Speech Technology, Information Retrieval, Cognition; Informatics: IPAB: Robotics, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and Animation; Informatics: LFCS: Theory and Foundations of Computer Science, Databases, Software and Systems Modelling; Information Technology Law; Leading Major Programmes; Operational Research with Computational Optimization; Operational Research with Risk; Optimization and Operational Research; Biorobotics; Interactive Artificial Intelligence; Application of Artificial Intelligence to the study of Environmental Risks; Computation, Cognition and Language; Computational Methods for Materials Science; Scientific Computing; Computer Systems Engineering; Information Technology; Robotics & AI; Software Development; Computer Systems Engineering; Software Development; Social Science of the Internet; Smart, Connected and Autonomous Vehicles; ACS: Advanced Web Technologies; ACS: Artificial Intelligence; ACS: Computer Security; ACS: Data and Knowledge Management; ACS: Digital Biology; ACS: Software Engineering; Advanced Computer Science; Health Informatics; Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science; Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning; Computational Neuroscience and Cognitive Robotics; Computer Science Advanced; Human Computer Interaction; Computational Engineering Design (Advanced Mechanical Engineering Science); Internet of Things; Advanced Computer Science with a Professional Placement Year; Computing with Placement; Spatial Planning and Development; Cloud Computing; Computational Neuroscience and Neuroinformatics; Computer Game Engineering; Computer Science Integrated; Embedded Systems and Internet of Things (ES-IoT); Human-Computer Interaction; Computer Science by Research; Computing and Information Systems; Digital and Technology Solutions Specialist; Internet of Things (Data); Advanced Computer Science with Business; Advanced Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence); Advanced Computer Science (Cloud Computing); Advanced Computer Science (Data Analytics); High-Performance Graphics and Games Engineering; Theoretical Computer Science; Theoretical Computer Science with a Year in Industry; Computational Neuroscience, Cognition and AI; Computer Science or Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence); Computer Science or Computer Science (Artificial Intelligence) pathway; Electronic Communications and Computer Engineering; Human Computer Interaction; Information Systems and Operations Management; Machine Learning in Science; Information Technology with Business and Management; Management of Information Technology; Artificial Intelligence and Adaptive Systems; Computing with Digital Media; Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law; Information Technology with Business and Management; Management of Information Technology; Robotics and Autonomous Systems (with a Masters industrial placement); Robotics and Autonomous Systems (with an industrial placement year); Robotics and Autonomous Systems; Science and Technology Policy; Digital Systems Engineering;; Management (Entrepreneurship and Strategy); Management (Organisation, Work and Technology); Management of Information Systems and Digital Innovation; Computer Vision, Robotics and Machine Learning; Information and Process Systems Engineering; Information Technology and Intellectual Property Law; Computer Information Systems; | Магистратура
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2.15 М
2.15 Д |
27 | 16 | Биотехнология. Бионженерия. Биомедицины. Биохимия | Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering; Biomedical Sciences; Bioscience Entrepreneurship; Biosciences; Biosocial Medical Anthropology; Bio-Integrated Design;Synthetic Biology; Applied Biosciences and Biotechnology; Bioengineering; Bioimaging Sciences; Bioinformatics and Theoretical Systems Biology; Biological and Physical Chemistry; Biomedical Engineering; Biosystematics; Chemical Biology and Bio-Entrepreneurship; Engineering for Biomedicine; Molecular and Cellular Biosciences; Molecular Biology and Pathology of Viruses; Molecular Plant and Microbial Sciences; Reproductive and Developmental Biology; Structural Molecular Biology; Systems and Synthetic Biology; Biotechnology; Biodiversity and Taxonomy of Plants; Evolutionary Biology; Integrative Biomedical Sciences; Molecular Plant Sciences; Quantitative Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology; Synthetic Biology and Biotechnology; Systems and Synthetic Biology; Biological Science (Biochemistry); Biological Science (MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology); Biological Science (MRC Toxicology Unit); Biological Science (Pathology); Biological Science (Pharmacology); Biological Science (Physiology, Development and Neuroscience); Biological Science (Plant Sciences); Biological Science (Psychology); Biological Science (Sanger Institute); Biological Science (Stem Cell Biology); Biological Science (Zoology); Biological Sciences at the Department of Veterinary Medicine; Bioscience Enterprise; Biostatistics; Cancer Biology for Clinician Scientists; Developmental Biology; Stem Cell Biology; Biotechnology & Management; Chemical Biology; Biotechnology & Management; Ecology & Environmental Biology; Infection Biology (with specialisms); Biodiversity, Conservation and Management; Radiation Biology; Biotechnology, Bioprocessing and Business Management; Bioinformatics and Systems Biology; Biomaterials; Biotechnology and Enterprise; Cancer Biology and Radiotherapy Physics; Cancer Research and Molecular Biomedicine; Cell Biology; Clinical Biochemistry; Clinical Bioinformatics; Developmental Biology; Biology and Chemistry; Biology and Physics; Microbiology; Mitochondrial Biology and Medicine; Molecular Microbiology; Biomedical Engineering; Biomedical Engineering (Conversion Programme); Biomedical Engineering with Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering; Biomedical Science (Medical Microbiology); Cancer and Molecular and Cellular Biology; Clinical Microbiology; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Biotechnology, Bioinformatics and Bio-business; Reproductive and Developmental Biology; Cancer Biology and Therapy; Chemical Biology and Drug Design; Plant Science and Biotechnology; Biological Photography and Imaging; Cancer Immunology and Biotechnology; Clinical and Molecular Microbiology; Secondary Science with Biology; Biomedical and Life Sciences; | Магистратура
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2.16 М
2.16 Д |
28 | 17 | Аграрлық технологиялар | Agricultural Innovation; Agricultural Sciences; Agribusiness; Sustainable Crop Production: Agronomy for the 21st Century; Sustainable Agricultural Technologies; Agricultural Systems Management and Environmental Sciences; Sustainable Agriculture; Sustainable Agricultural Technologies; Agricultural Technologies; Agricultural Sciences; Biosystems Engineering; Development and Rural Innovation; Agricultural Engineering; Bioscience Engineering: Agro- and Ecosystems Engineering Agricultural Studies; Agricultural Science; Comparative Agricultural Science; Agricultural and Biological Engineering; Agronomy; Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; Agricultural Biotechnology; Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies; Crop and Soil Sciences; Plant Breeding; Genetics and Biotechnology – Crop and Soil Sciences; Agricultural Production; Agriculture and Development; Controlled Environmental Agriculture; Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry; Crop Sciences; Agroecosystem Science; Agricultural Engineering; Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering; Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences; Organic Agriculture and Food Systems; Agricultural and Environmental Technologies; Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development; Agriculture and Life Sciences; Entomology; Rural Development; Agricultural Mechanics and Equipment; Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security; Agricultural Biomaterials; Land and Food Systems; Agricultural Facilities Engineering; Agroforestry; Agricultural Systems Engineering; Agricultural Machinery; Aquaculture (Sustainable Aquaculture); Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Agriculture and Gardening Studies; Agronomy and Range Science; Animal Welfare Science, Ethics & Law; Agricultural Studies; Agricultural Science; Comparative Agricultural Science; Agricultural and Biological Engineering; Agronomy; Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; Agricultural Biotechnology; Community, Agriculture; Agricultural Studies; Agricultural Science; Comparative Agricultural Science; Agricultural and Biological Engineering; Agronomy; Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering; Agricultural Biotechnology; Community, Agriculture, Recreation and Resource Studies; Crop and Soil Sciences; Plant Breeding; Genetics and Biotechnology – Crop and Soil Sciences; Agricultural Production; Agriculture and Development; Controlled Environmental Agriculture; Agricultural and Environmental Chemistry; Crop Sciences; Agroecosystem Science; Agricultural Engineering; Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering; Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences; Organic Agriculture and Food Systems; Agricultural and Environmental Technologies; Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development; Agriculture and Life Sciences; Entomology; Rural Development; Agricultural Mechanics and Equipment; Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security; Agricultural Biomaterials; Land and Food Systems; Agricultural Facilities Engineering; Agroforestry; Agricultural Systems Engineering; Agricultural Machinery; Aquaculture (Sustainable Aquaculture); Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Agriculture and Gardening Studies; Agronomy and Range Science; Agro- and Environmental Nematology; Soils and Global Change (Physical Land Resources and Global Change); Soils and Global Change (Soil Biogeochemistry and Global Change); Soils and Sustainability; Agriculture and Food Security | Магистратура
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2.17 М
2.17 Д |
29 | 18 | Гидрология, су ресурстары және суды пайдалану | Water Science and Management; Hydrology and Water Resources Management; Water Science, Policy and Management; Water Resources Management; Water, Sanitation and Health Engineering; Water and Environmental Engineering; Water Engineering; Hydrology; Hydrology and Water Resources; Hydraulic Structure Engineering; Hydraulics and River Dynamics; Water Conservancy and Hydropower; Hydrogeology; Water Resources Science; Water Resources; Hydrology and Sustainable Development; Urban Water Engineering and Management; Freshwater System Science; Global Water Sustainability; Marine System Science; Sustainable Water Resources; Water: Science and Governance; Water Resources Technology and Management; Contaminant Hydrogeology; Watershed Hydrology and Management; Watershed Management and Ecohydrology; Water Management; Water Hazards, Risk and Resilience; Water Supply Engineering; Reservoir Evaluation and Management; Water Resources Engineering; Hydrologic Sciences; Water Resources Management; Water and Environment; Aquatic Biology and Resource Management; Aquatic Resources; Hydraulic Engineering; Hydraulic and Environmental Engineering; Hydropower Development; Hydrogeology and Water Resources; Hydroinformatics and Water Management; Sustainable Catchment Management; Water and Environmental Management; Marine Resource Development and Protection; River Environments and Their Management; River Environmental Management; Urban Water System; Water Regulation and Management; Environmental Water Management; Hydrology and Water Resources Management; Integrated Water Management; Sustainable Water Management; Water Science, Policy and Management; Water Engineering; Urban Water and Water Resources Engineering; Hydrology, Water Resources and Environmental Fluid Mechanics; Environmental Engineering with specialization in Water Resources and Groundwater Management/Water and Waste Water Processing and Treatment; Land and Water Systems; Water Technology and Desalination; Aquatic Resource Management; Water, Wastewater and Waste Engineering; Geophysics and Hydrologic Sciences | Магистратура
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2.18 М
2.18 Д |
3. Жаратылыстану ғылымдары
(орындар саны: Магистратура – 25, Докторантура – 5) |
30 | 1 | Геология. Тау-кен ісі. Геодезия. Геофизика | Geology; Soil Mechanics and Engineering Geology; Geology and Geophysics; GeoSciences; Applied Environmental Geology; Mining Geology; Engineering Geology; Structural Geology with Geophysics; Geology of Northern England; Earth Physics; Geology and Geophysics; Geophysics; GeoSciences; Exploration Geophysics; Structural Geology with Geophysics; Geoscience; Geospatial Sciences; Geospatial Sciences (Building Information Modelling and Surveying); Geospatial Sciences (Geographic Information Science and Computing);Geospatial Sciences (Hydrographic Surveying);Soil Mechanics and Environmental Geotechnics; Soil Mechanics and Engineering Seismology; GeoEnergy; Geographical Information Science; Geology and Geophysics; GeoSciences; Earth Sciences; Geographical Sciences (Human Geography); Geographical Sciences (Physical Geography); Geographical & Earth Sciences; Earth Futures: Environments, Communities, Relationships; Geoinformation Technology & Cartography; Geomatics & Management; Geospatial & Mapping Sciences; Human Geography: Spaces, Politics, Ecologies; Land & Hydrographic Surveying; Land & Hydrographic Surveying with Work Placement; Sustainable Water Environments; Geomatics & Management; Geoinformation Technology & Cartography; Geospatial & Mapping Sciences; Geoinformation Technology & Cartography; Geographical Information Science;Petroleum Exploration Geoscience; Petroleum Geoscience for Reservoir Development and Production; Applied Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing; Marine Geology and Geophysics: Coastal; Marine Geology and Geophysics: Exploration; Marine Geology and Geophysics: Geodynamics; Marine Geology and Geophysics: Palaeoceanography; Geography (Risk); Research Methods (Geography); Environmental Geoscience; Geotechnical Engineering; Geomatics; Geographical Information Systems; Applied Geotechnics; River Basin Dynamics and Management with Geographical Information Systems; Geographic Data Science; Geography and Environmental Science; Geopolitics and International Affairs; Secondary Geography; Advanced Geotechnical Engineering; Applied Geographical Information Systems (GIS) | Магистратура
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3.1 М
3.1 Д |
31 | 2 | Математикалық моделдеу. Қолданбалы математика. Статистикалық талдау | Mathematics of Random Systems: Analysis, Modelling and Algorithms; Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science; Mathematical Modelling; Mathematics Education; Statistics; Statistics (Medical Statistics); Applied Mathematics; Mathematics and Finance; Pure Mathematics; Statistics (General); Statistics (Applied Statistics); Statistics (Biostatistics); Statistics (Data Science); Statistics (Statistical Finance); Statistics (Theory and Methods); Applied Statistical Modelling & Health Informatics; Complex Systems Modelling – from Biomedical & Natural to Economic & Social Sciences; Financial Mathematics; Algebra; Applied and Computational Mathematics; Computational Mathematical Finance; Financial Mathematics; Mathematical Economics and Econometrics; Mathematical Modelling, Analysis and Computation;Mathematical Physics; Mathematics Education; Operational Research with Risk; Optimization and Operational Research; Probability and Stochastic Analysis; Statistics and Operational Research; Statistics with Data Science; Engineering Mathematics; Mathematics of Cybersecurity; Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics; Education (Mathematics Education); Mathematical Statistics; Mathematics of Information; Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics; Pure Mathematics; Advanced Statistics; Mathematical and Computational Finance; Mathematical and Theoretical Physics; Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing; Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science; Statistical Sciencel; Financial Mathematics; Interdisciplinary Mathematics; Mathematical Finance; Mathematics of Systems; Actuarial Science; Secondary Mathematics; Secondary Mathematics with Economics; Mathematics with Economics; Pure Mathematics and Mathematical Logic; Social Research Methods and Statistics; Operational Research and Statistics; Statistics with Applications in Medicine; Operational Research and Applied Statistics; Operational Research, Applied Statistics and Financial Risk; Mathematics and Statistics; Maths and Physics; Chemistry and Maths; Applied Data Science and Statistics; Mathematical Modelling; Mathematical Modelling (Biology and Medicine); Mathematical Modelling (Climate Science); Mathematical Modelling (Fluid Dynamics); Statistics with Applications to Finance; Statistics and Applied Probability; Mathematical Finance; Statistics and Computational Finance; Statistics and Epidemiology; Statistics and Operational Research; Applicable Mathematics; Statistics (Financial Statistics); Statistics (Research); Statistics (Social Statistics); Statistics (Social Statistics) (Research); Econometrics and Mathematical Economics; Mathematics with Data Science for Industry; Psychological Research Methods with Advanced Statistics; Statistics with Financial Mathematics; Actuarial Science | Магистратура
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3.2 М
3.2 Д |
32 | 3 | Физика | Physics; Theoretical Physics; Astrophysics; Physics, Statistics, and Data Science; Nuclear Physics; Earth Physics; Quantum Technology; Precision Instrumentation and Measurement; Astronomy and Astrophysics; Medical Radiation Physics; Nuclear Fusion and Engineering Physics; Photonics; Physics with Extended Research; Physics with Nanophotonics; Physics with Quantum Dynamics; Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forces; Optics and Photonics; Security and Resilience: Science and Technology; Mathematical Physics; Particle and Nuclear Physics; Condensed Matter; Particle Physics; Nuclear Science and Technology; Medical Physics; Nuclear & Environmental Physics; Condensed Matter Physics; Atomic and Laser Physics; Atmospheric, Oceanic and Planetary Physics; Philosophy of Physics; Theoretical Physics; Astrophysics & Space Physics; physics with mathematics Particle Physics; Physics with Extended Research; Physics with Nanophotonics; Physics with Quantum Dynamics; Quantum Fields and Fundamental Forces; Theoretical Physics; Mathematical Physics; Particle and Nuclear Physics; Particle Physics; Theoretical Physics; Quantum Technology; Theoretical Physics; Atomic and Laser Physics; Optical Fibre & Photonic Engineering; Compound Semiconductor Physics; Data Intensive Physics; Gravitational Wave Physics; Physics, Theoretical; Physics and Astronomy; Condensed Matter Physics; Physics (EuroMasters); Particle Physics; Gravity, Particles and Fields; Semiconductor Photonics and Electronics | Магистратура
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3.3 М
3.3 Д |
33 | 4 | Химия | Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Inorganic Chemistry; Biochemistry; Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology; Biological Chemistry; Analytical and Environmental Chemistry; (Bio)Organic and Polymer Chemistry; Materials and Nano Chemistry; Chemical Emgineering; Green Chemistry, Energy, and the Environment; Advanced Chemical Engineering; Advanced Chemical Engineering with Biotechnology; Advanced Chemical Engineering with Process Systems Engineering; Advanced Chemical Engineering with Structured Product Engineering; Analytical Chemistry; Materials Chemistry; Medicinal and Biological Chemistry; Clinical Biochemistry; Chemical Biology; Chemistry in Cells: New Technologies to Probe Complex Biology and Medicine; Physical and Theoretical Chemistry; Theoretical and Computational Chemistry; Chemistry by Research; Polymer Science; Polymer Chemistry; Chemistry with Scientific Writing; Chemical Research; Polymers, Colorants and Fine Chemicals; | Магистратура
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3.4 М
3.4 Д |
34 | 5 | Тұрақты даму. Жасыл технологиялар. Экология. Экотехнология. Сейсмология. Қоршаған ортаны қорғау | Ecology; Environment; Evolution and Ecology; Climate; Sustainability; Sustainability Science; Sustainability Development; Human Ecology; Ecosystem Management and Conservation; Ecosystem Science; Sustainable Energy (Management); Conservation Studies; Applied Marine Ecology and Conservation; Computational Methods in Ecology and Evolution; Ecological Applications; Ecological Economics; Environmental Policy; Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Aquatic Ecology by Research; Weather and Climate Science; Ecological Economics; Biodiversity and Conservation; Biodiversity and Conservation with African Field Course; Climate and Atmospheric Science; Fluid Mechanics, Energetics, Processes applied to Environmental Science and Engineering; Earth Planetarya and Enviomental Sciences; Air Pollution Management and Control; Air Pollution, Atmospheric Sciences and, PhD with Integrated Study; Applied Meteorology and Climatology; Environmental Systems Engineering; Environmental Management and Development; Safety and Environmental Management of Nuclear Decommissioning; Marine Planning and Management; Resource Management; Conservation and Resource Management; Environment and Climate Change; Applied Meteorology and Climate with Management; Applied Meteorology; Atmosphere, Ocean and Climate; Climate Change and Development; Environmental Pollution; Geoecology; Environmental Pollution and Protection; Environmental Management of Urban Land and Water; Environmental and Energy Engineering; Energy and Environmental Engineering; Environmental and Petroleum Geochemistry; Environmental Science and Engineering; Ecological Sciences and Engineering; Environmental Science and Technology; Safety, Health and Environment; Atmospheric Sciences; Sustainability Engineering; Urban Environmental Issues; Sciences of the Universe, Environment and Ecology; Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences; Industrial Ecology; Hydrological Environment Engineering; Applied Ecology; Ecological Assessment; Meteorology; Climate System and Climate Change; Meteorology and Oceanography; Climate Change; Ecosystems and Landscape Ecology; Landscape Ecology and Conservation; Carbon and Energy Management; Management of Solid and Hazardous Waste; Air Pollution; Renewable Resources with option in Environment/Neotropical Environment/Environmental Assessment; Environment and Health; Earth Surface Processes; Geochemistry; Evolution, Ecology and Systematics; Ecology and Evolution; Ecology and Natural Resource Management; Energy and Environmental Analysis; Environmental Technologies; Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Infrastructure; Environment and Development; Resource Management and Environmental Studies; Wildlife Ecology and Management; Oceanography; Protected Areas and Wildlands Management; Hydrological Environment Engineering; Eco-cities; Water and Environmental Management; Climate Change: Impacts and Mitigation; Climate Change: Managing the Marine Environment; Environmental Analysis and Assessment; Marine Resource Development and Protection; Environment and Sustainable Development; Climate Change: Environment, Science and Policy; Disasters, Adaptation and Development; Sustainability, Planning and Environmental Policy; Environmental Engineering and Sustainable Development; Environmental Engineering and Business Management; Environmental Technology; Ecosystem and Environmental Change; Conservation Science; Green Mobility Engineering; Environmental Management and Sustainability; Climate Change Science and Policy; Sustainability; Sustainable development; Environment; Regulation and Governance; Environmental and Resource Economics; Environmental Management and Development; Biodiversity conservation; Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development; Environmental Planning and Management; Environmental Sciences and Policy; Sustainability; Sustainability Science; Environmental Policy and Management; Ecosystem Management and Conservation; Sustainable Energy (Management); Conservation Studies; Interdisciplinary studies – Sustainability; Sustainable engineering; Environment and Sustainability; International Development Practice; Ecosystem Management and Conservation; Sustainable Built Environment; Environmental Management; Sustainment Management; Organisational Sustainability; Sustainable Futures (Research); Sustainable and Innovative Natural Resource Management; Climate Change, Management and Finance; Sustainable Energy Futures; Environmental Science for Sustainability; Environment, Politics and Development; Sustainable Cities; Environmental Economics; Environmental Economics and Climate Change; Environmental Policy and Regulation; Sustainable Design; Climate Change Finance and Investment; Ecological Economics; Energy, Society and Sustainability; Environmental Sustainability; Sustainable Energy Systems; Infrastructure and the Environment; International Development: Environment Climate Change and Development; Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment; Environment and Sustainable Development; Health, Wellbeing and Sustainable Buildings; Sustainable Resources: Economics, Policy and Transitions; Sustainable Urbanism; Environment & Sustainable Development; Sustainable Futures; Sustainability Leadership; Sustainability, Enterprise and the Environment; Water Science, Policy and Management; Energy and Sustainability with Electrical Power Engineering; Energy and Sustainability: Energy, Environment and Buildings; Sustainable Energy Technologies; Global Sustainable Development; Sustainable Energy Systems; Sustainability and Business; Sustainability and Consultancy; Sustainability in Transport; Sustainable Cities; Sustainable Energy and Entrepreneurship; Resources, Environment and Sustainability; Sustainability Management; Development Practice; Sustainability management; Sustainability science; Environment & Sustainability; Sustainable Energy and Environmental Management; Environmental change and global sustainability; Environmental Strategy; Environmental Psychology; Green Chemistry, Energy and the Environment; Green Infrastructure; Green Chemistry & Sustainable Industrial Technology; Renewable Energy and Clean Technology; Renewable Energy and Clean Technology with Extended Research; Sustainable Energy and Entrepreneurship; Solar Cell Technology; Renewable Energy and Architecture; Renewable Resources; Renewable Energy; Computational Methods in Ecology and Evolution; Environmental Technology; Eco-Cities;Conservation and Ecosystem Management; Ecological Economics; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
3.5 М
3.5 Д |
4. Әлеуметтік ғылымдар
(орындар саны: Магистратура – 80, Докторантура – 15) |
35 | 1 | Археология және этнология | Archaeology; Archaeological and Evolutionary Science; Classical Archaeology; African Studies; Chinese Studies; Contemporary Chinese Studies; Chinese Studies Research; French and Francophone Studies; German Studies; Japanese Studies; Korean Studies; Portuguese Studies; Spanish Studies; Asian Studies; American Studies; Arab and Islamic Studies; Asia-Pacific Studies; Australian Studies; Central Asia Studies; Contemporary Europe; European Studies; Indigeniuos Australian Studies; Latin American Studies; Middle East Studies; Engaging Asia; Middle Eastern and Central Asia Studies; Pacific Development; European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives; Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies; Medieval Studies; Scandinavian Studies; Medieval and Early Modern Studies; Archaeological Research; Archaeological Science; Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Classical Islamic History and Culture); Asian and Middle Eastern Studies by Research (Japanese Studies); Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Hebrew and Semitic Studies); Modern South Asian Studies; Slavonic Studies; English Studies: Criticism and Culture; Modern Middle Eastern Studies; Latin American Studies; Late Antique and Byzantine Studies; Jewish Studies; Islamic Studies and History; Applied Landscape Archaeology; Modern South Asian Studies; Traditional China; Maritime Archaeology; Higher Archaeological Practice; Archaeology Palaeoanthropology; Archaeology Bioarchaeology; Hispanic Studies; Caribbean Studies; Culture of the European Renaissance; For Research in German Studies; Gulf Studies; Kurdish Studies; Palestine Studies; Roman Archaeology; Experimental Archaeology; Bioarchaeology: Human Osteology/Zooarchaeology/Forensic Anthropology; Geoarchaeology; Human Osteology and Funerary Archaeology; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
4.1 М
4.1 Д |
36 | 2 | Тарих. Мәдениеттану. Өнертану | History; Historical Studies; Modern History; Contemporary History; History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology, and Society; Classical Studies; History of Art and Archaeology : General; American History; Ancient History; Archaeology; Classical Art and Archaeology; European Archaeology; Human Osteoarchaeology; Intellectual History; Medieval History; Medieval Studies; Mediterranean Archaeology; Scottish History; Economic and Social History; Biomedical Egyptology; Egyptology; Classics and Ancient History; History and Philosophy of Science; Modern British History; Modern European History; World History; Classics & Ancient History; Early Modern History; Global History; Islamic Studies and History; Greek and/or Roman History; Global and Imperial History; English Local History; Egyptology; Classics and Ancient History; Visual and Material Culture of Ancient Rome; Global and Comparative History; Postcolonial Literary and Cultural Studies; Social and Cultural History; History of Art & Architecture; Cultural Studies; Cultural Heritage Management; Curating and Cultural Leadership; Museum and Heritage Studies; Digital Communication and Culture; Art Curating; Book History and Material Culture; Modern and Contemporary Art: History, Curating and Criticism; Global Premodern Art: History, Heritage and Curation; Art Gallery and Museum Studies; Arts Management, Policy and Practice; Ancient Cultures; Education in Museums & Heritage; Islamic Art and Architecture; History of Art and Visual Culture; Visual, Material and Museum Anthropology; Renaissance Studies; International Heritage Management and Consultancy; Global Performance and Cultural Industries; Critical and Cultural Theory; Arts Management and Heritage Studies; Art Gallery and Museum Studies; Art History; History of Art; Art, Art History, and Design | Магистратура
Докторантура |
4.2 М
4.2 Д |
37 | 3 | Қолданбалы лингвистика | Modern Languages Education; Linguistics; Applied Linguistics;Science Writing; English Language; English Language Studies (ESL); General and Applied Linguistics; Language Studies; Ancient Greek; Asian Languages; English; Translation; Latin American Languages; TESOL; Indigenous Languages Education; TESOL & Applied Linguistics; Advanced Studies in Linguistics (Cognitive and Functional Linguistics); Advanced Studies in Linguistics (Linguistics in a Comparative Perspective); Advanced Studies in Linguistics (Multilingual and Foreign Language Learning and Teaching); Advanced Studies in Linguistics (Natural Language Processing: Theory and Practice); Linguistics and Literature: English; Language and Intercultural Communication; Language Education; French; Italian; Japanese; Speech and Language Processing; Linguistics and English Language; Intercultural Communication; Portuguese; Spanish; English Language & Linguistics; Modern Languages; Modern Chinese Studies; Medieval and Modern Languages; Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature; Buddhist Studies; Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching; Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition; Traditional East Asia; Tibetan and Himalayan Studies; Languages and Cultures; English Language Teaching TESOL; Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching; Intercultural Communication; English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics; Discourse Studies; Advanced Arabic; TESOL Studies; Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages for Young Learners; Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages and Information and Communications Technology; Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (Teacher Education); Linguistics and English Language Teaching; French Language & Literature; English & Language Arts Education; Applied Linguistics with TESOL; TESOL: Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages; Interpreting and Translating; Translation and Professional Language Skills; Applied Linguistics with TESOL; Computer Science With Speech and Language Processing; English Language and Linguistics; Language and Communication Impairment in Children; Modern Languages and Cultures; English; English & Language Arts; English Education; French Language & Literature; German Studies/Literature; Germanic Languages; Germanic Languages, Literatures and Linguistics; Germanic Linguistics; Languages and Linguistics; Languages, Interpreting and Translation; Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Latin American literature; Latin Philology; Legal Translation; Linguistics; Linguistics and Multilingual Studies; Linguistics and Literature: English; Linguistics and Literature Studies; Linguistics of European Languages; Linguistics with a specialisation in Phonology; Linguistics with a specialisation in Pragmatics; Linguistics with a specialisation in Syntax; Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics; Linguistics: General Linguistics; Linguistics: Linguistics of European Languages; Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Linguistics; Literary Linguistics; Linguistics, Philology and Phonetics; Ancient and Modern Languages and Literature; Ancient and Modern Languages and Literature (Classics); French and Romance Languages and Literatures : French as a Foreign Language; Comparative Literature; English Literature: Literature and Society: Enlightenment, Romantic and Victorian; English Literature: Literature and Modernity: 1900 to the Present; English Literature and American Studies; Modern and Contemporary Literature; Comparative Literatures and Cultures; European, Latin American and Comparative Literatures and Cultures; English Studies: 18th Century and Romantic Studies; English Studies: Modern and Contemporary Literature; Children’s Literature & Literacies; English Literature: American Modern Literature; English Literature: Fantasy; English Literature: Modernities – Literature, Culture, Theory; English Literature: Victorian Literature; Literature and Arts; Greek and/or Latin Languages and Literature; English Studies (Medieval Period); English and American Studies; Comparative Literature and Critical Translation; Classical Languages and Literature; Classical Armenian Studies; Yiddish Studies; World Literatures in English; Slavonic Studies; English Literary Studies;English and Comparative Literary Studies; Global Literatures and Cultures; Writing for Performance and Publication; Hispanic Language & Literatures; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
4.3 М
4.3 Д |
38 | 4 | Саясаттану | Political Science; Political Sciences:General; Political Theory; Comparative Politics; Political Science and Political Economy; Political Sociology; Global Environment, Politics and Society; International and European Politics; European Politics; International Political Theory; Human Rights – Law/Political Science Pathway; Human Rights – Political Science; International Political Economy; Political Science – Democracy and Elections; Political Science – European Politics & Policy Pathway; Political Science – Governance and Public Policy Pathway; Political Science – Philosophy and Political Theory; Political Science – Political Theory Pathway; Social and Political Thought; Middle East Politics; Middle East Politics and Arabic; Global Politics; Conflict, Security and Development; Religion, Politics and Society; Political Theory; Politics and Media in East Asia; Politics, Governance and Public Policy | Магистратура
Докторантура |
4.4 М
4.4 Д |
39 | 5 | Әлеуметтану | Sociology; Social Work; Social Work Studies; Advanced Social Work; Combined Art/Social Sciences; Social Work (Qualifying); Social transitions and innovations; Population and Development Studies; Social Research Methods; Digital Sociology; Sociology and Global Change; Socio-cultural Studies; Sociological Research; Gender, Sexuality and Culture; Sociology (Political and Economic Sociology); Sociology (The Sociology of Marginality and Exclusion); Sociology (The Sociology of Media and Culture); Sociology (The Sociology of Reproduction); Sociology and Demography; Socio-Legal Research; Sociology and Social Policy; Social Research Methods with Applied Statistics; Women’s and Gender Studies; Social Inequalities and Research Methods; Gender Studies (Middle East and Islamic World); Society and Culture; Society and Culture: Arts, Media and Consumption; Society and Culture: Health and Well-being; Society and Culture: Science and Technology; Inequalities and Social Science; Childhood Studies; Developmental Studies; Social Research | Магистратура
Докторантура |
4.5 М
4.5 Д |
40 | 6 | Мемлекеттік саясат, мемлекеттік басқарусыбайлас, жемқорлыққа қарсы саясат және сыбайлас жемқорлықтың алдын алу, әлеуметтік саясат | Policy; Public Policy; Social Policy; Public Policy and Administration; Regulation and Governance;Public Administration; International Public Policy; Global Policy; Global Studies; Government; Political Science; Diplomacy; National Security Policy; International, Political and Strategic Studies; Diplomacy; Military and Defense Studies; Strategic Communications Management; Public Policy and Management; Public Policy and Governance; Security and Defense Management; Economics and Public Policy; Peace and Conflict Studies; Political Economy; Strategic Public Relations; International Social and Public Policy; Comparative Public Policy; Social and Political Science; Public & Urban Policy; Public Policy & Management; Public Policy Research; Global Governance and Diplomacy; Global and Area Studies; Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation; Social and Political Thought; Global Governance; Applied Security Strategy; Security, Conflict and Justice; Security, Terrorism and Insurgency; Global Development and Education; Disability Studies; MSc Healthcare Operational Management; Politics, Governance and Public Policy;al Economy of Emerging Markets; Comparative Social Policy; Globalization; International Public Policy and Management; International Social Policy; International Development Policy; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
4.6 М
4.6 Д |
41 | 7 | Журналистика | Journalism; International Journalism; Communication and Media Studies; Media (Strategic Communication); Global Media Communication; Publishing and Communications; Journalism and Communication; Public Relations & Advertising; Communication; Writing, Editing and Publishing; Digital Communication and Culture; Publishing; Media Practice; Advanced Journalism; Advanced Journalism (Extension); Creative Writing; Strategic Communication; Media Practice and Industry; Sports Media; Communication Sciences: Digital Media and Society; Specialised Applied Communication: Media Education; Promotional Media; Media Industries; International Communication; International Journalism; Advertising; Emerging Media Studies; Educational Media & Technology; Film and Media; Experimental and Documentary Arts; Broadcast Journalism; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
4.7 М
4.7 Д |
42 | 8 | Тәуекел менеджменті | Regulation and Compliance; Ethics and Risk Management; Decision, Risk and Financial Sciences; Actuarial and Financial Engineering; Risk Management and Financial Engineering; Risk Analysis, Disasters and Resilience; Quantitative Methods for Risk Management; Financial Risk Management; Enterprise Risk Management; Business Analytics and Risk Management; Operational Research and Finance; Risk Management; Enterprise Risk Management; Enterprise Risk Management & Compliance; Business Analytics and Risk Management; Global Risk; Global Risk Management; Information, Risk, & Operations Management; Actuarial and Quantitative Risk Management; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
4.8 М
4.8 Д |
43 | 9 | Жобаларды басқару | Project Management; Applied Project Management; Project Leadership; Applied Project Management (Project Systems): Construction Project Management; Construction Project Management/Master of Property and Development; International Enterprise Management; Complex Systems; Project and Program Management; International Management; Executive Management; Management and Strategy; Commercial Project Management; Construction Project Management; Engineering Project Management; Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship; Management and Implementation of Development Projects; Management of Projects; Management of Projects in Engineering; Management of Complex Projects; Project and Enterprise Management; Strategic Management of Projects; Programme and Project Management; Engineering Business Management; Programme and Project Management; Entrepreneurship and Innovation; Strategic Innovation Management; Management of Innovation; Management & Organizations; Management & Systems; ; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
4.9 М
4.9 Д |
44 | 10 | Адами ресурстарды басқару \ HR-менеджмент | Human Resources; Management (Human Resources); Strategic People Management; Human Resource Management; Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations; Human Resources and Employment Relations; Human Resource Management & Organisational Analysis; Management – Employment Relations and Human Resources; Human Resources and Organisations; Human Resource Development (International Development); International Human Resource Management and Comparative Industrial Relations; Organisational Change and Development; Management: Organisational Leadership and Change Pathway; Human Resource Management and the Future of Work; Strategy, Change and Leadership; International Human Resource Management & Development; Management with Human Resources; Career Development and Coaching Studies; Senior Leadership; Employment Research; Work and Organisation; Data Analytics and Human Resource Management; Language for Human Resource Management; Human Resource Management and Organisation; Management and Strategic Leadership; Human Resources & Industrial Relations; Human Resources and Industrial Relations; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
4.10 М
4.10 Д |
45 | 11 | Қаржы | Finance; Applied Finance; Advanced Finance; Accounting and Finance; Actuarial Practice; Financial Economics; Financial Management; Financial Management and Law; Accounting; Professional Accounting; Professional Accounting and Business Law; Banking and Finance; Accounting and Marketing;Finance and Business Economics; Financial Planning; Financial Analysis; Financial Mathematics; International Economics and Finance; Mathematics and Finance; Accounting, Accountability & Financial Management; Computational Finance; Finance (Asset Pricing); Finance (Corporate Finance); Finance Analytics; Global Finance & Banking; Accounting (Accounting, Organisations and Institutions); Accounting (Economics of Accounting); Finance and Private Equity; Risk and Finance; Financial Modelling and Optimization; International Banking Law and Finance; Development Finance; Quantitative Finance; Banking and Digital Finance; Infrastructure Investment and Finance; Finance and Management; Finance and Accounting; Global Banking and Finance; Money, Banking and Finance; Global Banking and Finance; Accounting, Finance and Management; Banking, Regulation and Financial Stability; Asset pricing & investment; Finance and economic development; Finance and Management; Financial forecasting and investment; International Corporate Finance & Banking; International Financial Analysis; Investment Banking & Finance;Investment Fund Management; Management with International Finance; Accounting and Management; Business Analytics and Finance; Finance and Econometrics; Finance and Economics; International Banking and Financial Studies; International Financial Markets; Operational Research and Finance; Risk and Finance; Business and Finance; Business with Accounting and Finance; Banking and Finance; Behavioural Finance; Corporate Finance; International Financial Management; Regulation and Compliance; Banking and International Finance; Accounting, Governance and Financial Management; Forensic Accounting; Management and Professional Accounting; Asset Management; Accounting-Valuation; Accounting-Assurance; Accounting, Control, Auditing; Control, Auditing, Financial Reporting; Wealth Management and Private Banking; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
4.11 М
4.11 Д |
46 | 12 | Халықаралық құқық және қауіпсіздік | Legal Studies; Legal Systems and Services; Business Law; Comparative Laws; Global Competition and consumer law; Banking and Finance Law; Commercial Law; International Commercial Law; Communications Law; Construction Law; Corporate Law, Dispute Resolution; Employment and Labour Relations Law; Energy and Resources Law; Environmental Law; Government Law; Health and Medical Law; Intellectual Property Law; International Tax; Private Law; Sports Law; Law and Development; Legal Professional Practice; Health Law; Jurisprudence; Labour Law and Relations; Administrative Law and Policy; Mining and Energy Law; Law and Economics; Society, Law and Religion; Criminology; Intellectual Property and ICT Law; Intellectual Property & Information Law; Law and Technology; Medical Ethics & Law; Medical Law; Transnational Law; Criminal Justice Policy; Criminal Law and Criminal Justice; Criminology and Criminal Justice; International Banking Law and Finance; Professional Legal Practice; Criminology; Healthcare Ethics and Law; Crime and Forensic Science; Crime Science; Security Studies; Corporate Law and Practice; Corporate & Commercial Law; Criminal Law and Criminal Justice; International Law and Globalisation; International Law: Crime, Justice and Human Rights; International Law, Ethics and Politics; International Law: Crime, Justice and Human Rights; International Trade Law; International Law and International Relations; Law and Globalisation; Equality and Human rights; International Economic Law; International Law; International Law & Security; International Law of Global Security, Peace & Development; International Commercial and Corporate Law; International Corporate Governance and Financial Regulation; International Development Law and Human Rights; International Economic Law; Comparative and International Dispute Resolution; Global Health Law and Governance; International Finance Law; International Shipping Law; Public International Law; International Law and Global Governance; International Law and Development; Public International Law; Public Procurement Law and Policy; International Criminology; International Law and Global Justice; International Business Law; International & European Business Law; International Relations & Law; Global Studies; Global Governance Law; Business Law in a Global Context; Military and Defence Studies; National Security Policy; International Security; Cyber Security, Strategy and Diplomacy; Security and Defence Management; Special Operations and Irregular Warfare; Strategy and Security; Peace and Conflict Studies; Conflict and Development Studies; European Social Security; Defence Studies; Leadership Studies with reference to Security & Development; War Studies; Conflict, Security & Development; Intelligence & International Security; International Conflict Studies; International Peace & Security; Leadership & Development; Science & International Security; Terrorism, Security & Society; War in the Modern World; War Studies; Conflict Studies; Culture and Conflict in a Global Europe; Gender, Peace and Security; Humanitarianism and Conflict Response; Security and International Law; Conflict, Statebuilding and Development; Global Cooperation and Security; International Security and Terrorism; Security, Conflict and Human Rights; Global Security; Security, Intelligence & Strategic Studies; International Security and Risk; Conflict, Development and Security; Security, Terrorism and Insurgency; War and Strategy; Security, Conflict and Justice; International Criminal Justice and Armed Conflict; Conflict and Terrorism Studies; Security policy and management; International Conflict Resolution; International Security Policy; Global Security Studies; Global Studies; Peace, War and Defense; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
4.12 М
4.12 Д |
5. Білім беру
(орындар саны: Магистратура – 50, Докторантура – 10) |
47 | 1 | STEM білім беру | Teaching; Education; Curriculum & Teaching; Counseling; Instructional Leadership; Mathematics and Science Education and Communication; STEM Education; (STEM) Education; STEM Leadership; Science Education | Магистратура
Докторантура |
5.1 М
5.1 Д |
48 | 2 | Инклюзивті білім беру | Special Education; Teaching; Education; Counseling; Educational Psychology; Instructional Leadership; Learning Intervention; Speech Pathology; Special and Inclusive Education; Outdoor Education; Deaf Studies; Deaf Education; Deaf Education (Teacher of the Deaf Qualification); Inclusive Education: Research, Policy & Practice; Special Educational Needs; Special Educational Needs; Disability Studies; Language & Literacy Education; Curriculum & Teaching | Магистратура
Докторантура |
5.2 М
5.2 Д |
49 | 3 | Қашықтан оқыту әдіснамасы мен әдістемесі. Педагогикалық платформаларды әзірлеу | Teaching; Education; Counseling; Educational Psychology; Instructional Leadership; Teaching (Secondary); Educational Studies; Education (Digital Technologies; Learning Sciences and Technology (Research); Learning Sciences and Technology (Professional); Digital Technologies; Teaching in Secondary Education; Technology, Innovation, and Education; Digital Technologies, Communication and Education; Technology, Creativity and Thinking in Education; Language and Literacy in Education; Digital Education; Curriculum & Teaching; Digital Media Design for Learning; Digital Media:Education; Instructional design and technology; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
5.3 М
5.3 Д |
50 | 4 | Бастауыш оқытудың педагогикасы мен әдістемесі. Оқу бағдарламаларын әзірлеу | Elementary Education; Teaching; Education; Counseling; Teaching (Middle and Secondary); Teaching (Secondary); Educational Psychology; Instructional Leadership; Early Childhood and Primary; Educational Studies; Teaching (Early Childhood); Transformative Learning and Teaching; Research Methods with Education; Technology, Creativity and Thinking in Education; Language and Literacy in Education; Educational Research; Language & Literacy Education; Curriculum & Teaching; Education in early childhood education; Early Childhood Education; Education (Child Development and Education); Teacher Education | Магистратура
Докторантура |
5.4 М
5.4 Д |
51 | 5 | Білім беру саласындағы басқару | Counseling; Instructional Leadership; Educational Leadership; Education (International Education); Leadership in Aboriginal Education; Educational Management and Leadership; Leadership and Learning; Educational Leadership in Practice; International Education; International Education (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion); International Education (Globalisation and International Development); International Education (Higher Education); International Education (TESOL); Education (Arts, Creativity & Education); Education (Critical Approaches to Children’s Literature); Education (Education, Globalisation and International Development); Education (Educational Leadership and School Improvement); Education (Knowledge, Power and Politics); Education (Psychology and Education); Education (Research in Second Language Education); Adult Education, Community Development & Youth work; Education for Sustainable Futures in Adult, Community & Youth Contexts; Education, Public Policy & Equity; Educational Studies; Educational Assessment; Education (Research Design and Methodology); Education (Higher Education); Education (Digital and Social Change); Education (Comparative and International Education); Education Practice and Innovation; Professional Education; Educational Research; Global Development and Education; Educational Leadership & Policy Studies; Education Management; Educational Leadership & Policy Studies | Магистратура
Докторантура |
5.5 М
5.5 Д |
6. Медицина
(орындар саны: Магистратура, Резидентура – 30, Докторантура – 5) |
52 | 1 | Анестезиология және реаниматология | Adult Cardiothoracic Anesthesia; Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine; Anesthesiology; Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine; Cardiothoracic Anesthesia; Cardiovascular and Thoracic Anesthesia; Critical Care; Critical Care Medicine; Dental Anesthesiology; Immediate Care; Intensive-Care Medicine; Neuroanesthesia; Obstetric Anesthesia; Pediatric Anesthesiology | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.1 М
6.1 Д 6.1 Р |
53 | 2 | Вирусология. Инфекциялық аурулар. Эпидемиология | Virology; Molecular Biology and Pathology of Viruses; Medical Virology; Tropical and Infectious Diseases; Microbiology and Infection; Biohazardous Threat Agents and Emerging Infectious Diseases; Public Health with a concentration in Infectious Disease Pathogenesis, Eradication, and Laboratory Practice; Infectious Diseases and Microbiology; Virology and Gene Therapy; Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology; Biohazardous Threat Agents and Emerging Infectious Diseases; Chronic Disease Epidemiology; Infection and Immunity; Infection and Population Health; Infection, Immunology and Translational Medicine; Infectious Diseases; Infectious Diseases and Microbiology; International Masters in Infectious Diseases and One Health; Medical Virology; Microbiology and Infection; Molecular Biology and Pathology of Viruses; Public Health with a concentration in Infectious Disease Pathogenesis, Eradication, and Laboratory Practice; Tropical and Infectious Diseases; Virology; Virology and Gene Therapy; Epidemiology; Infectious Diseases; Infectious Diseases Intelligence; Infectious Diseases Intelligence (Extension); Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; Medicine (Clinical Epidemiology); Biomedical Research (Epidemiology, Evolution and Control of Infectious Diseases); Molecular Biology and Pathology of Viruses; Inflammation; Applied Infectious Disease Epidemiology; Health and Society: Social Epidemiology; Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases & Antimicrobial resistance; Global Health Science and Epidemiology; Control of Infectious Diseases; Veterinary Epidemiology; Infection, Immunity and Human Disease; Epidemiology and Biostatistics; Clinical Epidemiology; Global Epidemiology; Epidemiology and Clinical Research; Epidemiologic Science – Clinical Research; Epidemiology and Biostatistics: Biostatistics; Epidemiology and Biostatistics: Epidemiology; Chronic Disease Epidemiology; Epidemiology of Microbial Diseases; Epidemiology and Infection Control; | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.2 М
6.2 Д 6.2 Р |
54 | 3 | Кардиология. Кардиохирургия | dvanced Physiotherapy: Cardiorespiratory; Cardiac Science; Cardiology; Cardiorespiratory Physiotherapy; Cardiovascular and Respiratory Healthcare; Cardiovascular Biology; Cardiovascular Biomedicine; Cardiovascular Health and Disease Prevention; Cardiovascular Health and Disease; Cardiovascular Medicine; Cardiovascular Research; Cardiovascular Science; Cardiovascular Sciences; Congenital Cardiothoracic Care; Pediatric Cardiology; Physiotherapy Studies: Cardiorespiratory; Preventative Cardiology; Preventive Cardiology; Respiratory and Cardiovascular Science; Translational Cardiovascular Medicine | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.3 М
6.3 Д 6.3 Р |
55 | 4 | Сәулелі диагностика. Сәулелі терапия | Advanced Biomedical Imaging; Advanced Neuroimaging; Bioimaging; Bioimaging Sciences; Dento-Maxillofacial Radiology; Diagnostic Radiographer; Diagnostic Radiography; Diagnostic Radiology; Medical Diagnostic Ultrasound; Medical Engineering and Physics; Medical Imaging; Medical Imaging Sciences; Medical Radiation Physics; Medical Radiation Science; Medical Robotics and Image-Guided Intervention; Medical Ultrasound; Nuclear Medicine: Science and Practice; Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology; Physics and Engineering in Medicine; Precision Medicine; Radiodiagnosis; Radiography: Breast Evaluation; Radiography: Medical Imaging; Radiology and Biomedical Engeneering; Radiopharmaceutics and PET Radiochemistry; Ultrasound in Emergency and Critical Care; Vascular Ultrasound | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.4 М
6.4 Д 6.4 Р |
56 | 5 | Медициналық генетика. | Biology – Genetics; Genetics and Development; Genetic Counseling; Biomedical Sciences; Genetics; Genetics and Genomics; Molecular Genetics and Microbiology; Clinical Research; Human Medicine; Bioinformatics and Integrative Genomics; Biological and Biomedical Sciences ; Medical Sciences; Medical Education; Translational Medical Research; Molecular Medicine; Human Molecular Genetics; Genomic Medicine; Applied Genomics; Genetic Counseling; Molecular Biology and Genetics; Biomedical and Molecular Sciences Research; Molecular Genetics and Biotechnology; Experimental Medicine; Medical Sciences; Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences; Genetic Counseling; Genetic Medicine; Molecular Genetics; Genetics; Cell and Gene Therapy; Genetics of Human Disease; Prenatal Genetics and Fetal Medicine; Medical Genetics; Genome Science and Technology; Human Genetics; Genetics. Genomics, and Systems Biology;Clinical Genetics; Genetic and Genomic Counselling; Medical Genetics and Genomics; Genettics and Molecular Biosciences; Molecular Genetics and Diagnostics; Genetics, Development and Disease | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.5 М
6.5 Д 6.5 Р |
57 | 6 | Неврология | Advanced Physiotherapy: Neurophysiotherapy; Basic and Clinical Neuroscience; Basic and Translational Neuroscience; Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience; Biomedical Neuroscience; Brain and Cognitive Sciences; Clinical Brain Sciences; Clinical Neurodevelopmental Sciences; Clinical Neurology; Clinical Neuropsychiatry; Clinical Neurosciences; Cognitive Neuroscience; Cognitive Neuroscience and Human Neuroimaging; Computational Neuroscience; Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience; Epilepsy; Neural Circuits; Experimental Neuroscience; Integrative Neuroscience; Medical Science (Clinical Neurosciences); Neurobiology; Neurobiology of Learning and Memory; Neurodegeneration; Neuroengineering; Neurogenesis; Neuroimaging; Neuroimaging for Clinical & Cognitive Neuroscience; Neurology; Neuromuscular Disease; Neuroscience; Neurosciences; Neurotechnology; Physiotherapy Studies: Neurophysiotherapy; Psychology and Neuroscience; Stroke Medicine; Translational Neuroscience | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.6 М
6.6 Д 6.6 Р |
58 | 7 | Неонатология. Педиатрия | Advanced Paediatrics; Advanced Physiotherapy: Paediatrics; Applied Paediatric Neuropsychology; Child Health; Child Life & Health; Clinical Paediatric Neuropsychology; Maternal and Child Health; Medical Science (Paediatrics); Neonatal Perinatal Medicine; Paediatric Emergency Medicine; Paediatric Exercise and Health; Paediatric Infectious Diseases; Paediatric Science; Paediatric Studies; Paediatrics; Paediatrics and Child Health: Advanced Paediatrics; Paediatrics and Child Health: Community ChilAdvanced Paediatrics; Advanced Physiotherapy: Paediatrics; Applied Paediatric Neuropsychology; Child Health; Child Life & Health; Clinical Paediatric Neuropsychology; Maternal and Child Health; Medical Science (Paediatrics); Neonatal Perinatal Medicine; Paediatric Emergency Medicine; Paediatric Exercise and Health; Paediatric Infectious Diseases; Paediatric Science; Paediatric Studies; Paediatrics; Paediatrics and Child Health: Advanced Paediatrics; Paediatrics and Child Health: Community Child Health; Paediatrics and Child Health: Global Child Health; Paediatrics and Child Health: Intensive Care; Paediatrics and Child Health: Molecular and Genomic Paediatrics; Paediatrics and Child Health; Neonatology; Pediatry; Perinatology; Physiotherapy Studies: Paediatrics; Paediatric Anaesthesiad Health; Paediatrics and Child Health: Global Child Health; Paediatrics and Child Health: Intensive Care; Paediatrics and Child Health: Molecular and Genomic Paediatrics; Paediatrics and Child Health; Neonatology; Pediatry; Perinatology; Physiotherapy Studies: Paediatrics; Paediatric Anaesthesia | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.7 М
6.7 Д 6.7 Р |
59 | 8 | Қоғамдық денсаулық сақтау | Community Health Sciences; Public Health for Health Professionals; Public Health; Health Policy & Management; Health Policy, Management and Evaluation; Community Health and Prevention Researc; Research Medical Imaging; Health policy and management | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.8 М
6.8 Д 6.8 Р |
60 | 9 | Онкология және гематология | Cancer; Cancer & Pharmaceutical Sciences; Cancer and Clinical Oncology; Cancer and Molecular Pathology and Genomics; Cancer and Therapeutics; Cancer Biology; Cancer Biology (Cancer Informatics); Cancer Biology and Radiotherapy Physics; Cancer Biology for Clinician Scientists; Cancer Informatics; Cancer Institute; Cancer Research and Molecular Biomedicine; Cancer Science; Cancer Studies; Cancer Technology; Experimental Medicine (Cancer); Genetic Counseling; Interdisciplinary Oncology; Medical Science (MRC Cancer Unit); Medical Science (Oncology); Medical Science (Radiology); Ocular Oncology; Oncology; Psychosocial Oncology; Radiation Biology; Radiation Oncology; Radiology; Surgery and Oncology; Translational Cancer Medicine | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.9 М
6.9 Д 6.9 Р |
61 | 10 | Отоларингология | Respiratory Medicine; Experimental Medicine (Hearing Health); Experimental Medicine (Respiratory); Audiology; Advanced Audiology: Audiovestibular Medicine; Advanced Audiology: Otology and Skull Base Surgery; Audiological Science; Audiological Science with Clinical Practice; Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences; Hearing and Speech Sciences; | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.10 М
6.10 Д 6.10 Р |
62 | 11 | Офтальмология | Advanced Clinical Optometry and Ophthalmology; Artificial Vision; Biology of Vision; Clinical Investigation and Visual Sciences; Clinical Ophthalmology; Clinical Optometry; Eye and Vision Sciences; Eye Care; International Ophthalmology; Investigative Ophthalmology; Investigative Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences; Ocular Biology; Ocular Oncology; Ophthalmology; Ophthalmology with Clinical Practice; Optometry; Optometry and Ophthalmic Technology; Primary Care Ophthalmology; Vision and Disease; Vision and Vascular Science; Vision Research; Vision Science; Vision and Strabismus | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.11 М
6.11 Д 6.11 Р |
63 | 12 | Патологиялық анатомия (цитопатология) | Anatomical Pathology; Clinical Pathology; Forensic Medicine; Forensic Pathology; Pathology; Forensic Medical Sciences; Forensic Mental Health | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.12 М
6.12 Д 6.12 Р |
64 | 13 | Психиатрия (наркология және психотерапия) | Addiction Studies; Affective Disorders; Applied Psychology (Healthcare) For Children & Young People; Behaviour Disorders; Child and Adolescent Mental Health; Child and Adolescent Psychiatry; Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy; Clinical and Health Psychology; Clinical Mental Health Counseling; Clinical Mental Health Sciences; Clinical Neurodevelopmental Sciences; Clinical Neuropsychiatry; Clinical Psychology; Clinical, Educational and Health Psychology; Development and Psychopathology; Developmental Psychology and Clinical Practice; Developmental Psychopathology; Early Intervention in Psychosis; Forensic Mental Health; Forensic Psychology and Mental Health; Forensic Psychology; Global Mental Health; Health Psychology; Medical Science (MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit); Medical Science (Psychiatry); Mental Health Sciences; Mental Health Sciences Research; Mental Health Studies; Psychiatry; Psychoanalytic Developmental Psychology; Psychological Therapies; Psychology of Mental Health (Conversion); Rehabilitation Counseling; Psychotherapy and Counselling; Psychiatric Research; War & Psychiatry | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.13 М
6.13 Д 6.13 Р |
65 | 14 | Пульмонология | Pediatric Pulmonology; Phthisiology; Pulmonary Disease; Pulmonary Medicine; Pulmonology | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.14 М
6.14 Д 6.14 Р |
66 | 15 | Сот-медициналық сараптама | Biomedical Forensic Sciences; Criminal Justice; Forensic Anthropology; Crime Scene Investigation; Forensic Investigation; Forensic Psychology | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.15 М
6.15 Д 6.15 Р |
67 | 16 | Спорт медицинасы | Athletic Training and Sports Medicine; Exercise and Sports Medicine; Human Movement Sciences; Nutrition and Dietetics; Sport and Exercise Medicine; Sport and Health Sciences; Sport and Health Sciences – Health and Wellbeing; Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences; Sports Medicine; Sports Medicine and Health Science; Sports Medicine, Exercise and Health; Sports Physiology and Medicine; Wellness and Human Performance; Sports Rehabilitation | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.16 М
6.16 Д 6.16 Р |
68 | 17 | Трансплантология | Human Tissue Repair; Musculoskeletal Science; Regenerative Medicine; Renal Transplantation Science; Surgery and Interventional Science; Tissue Repair; Transfusion and Transplantation Sciences; Transfusion, Transplantation & Tissue Banking; Transplant Surgery; Transplantation; Transplantation Immunology & Mucosal Biology; Transplantation Surgery; Biomedical Science (Haematology and Transfusion Science); Biomedical Science (Haematology), Haematology and Transfusion Science; Blood Science; Haematology | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.17 М
6.17 Д 6.17 Р |
69 | 18 | Денсаулық сақтау саласындағы басқару/менеджмент | Health Management; Public Health; Public Health (Extension); Culture Health and Medicine; Health Economics and Policy; Global Health; Health Leadership and Management; Health Promotion and Disease Prevention; Health Policy; Diabetes Education and Management; Health Services Management; International Health Management; Global Health and Social Medicine Research; Health Service & Population Research; Medical Affairs; Global Health Policy; International Health Policy; Global Health and Development; International Health; International Health Management and Leadership; Health Policy; Health Administration; Health Policy, Management and Evaluation; Health Care Emergency Management; Management & Public Health; Global Public Health; Healthcare Leadership; Medical management; Health care policy and management; Health Policy and Management; Global Environmental Health; Health Care Management; Health Policy; Health Services Research and Health Policy; Health Systems; Health Policy; Health Systems Management; International Health; Public Health Program; Health Policy & Management; Healthcare Management; Global Health and Health Policy; Health and Health Policy; Healthcare Administration; Leadership of Health Care Organizations; Health Care Management & Economics; Health Leadership; Health Policy Research; Management in Health Care; Arts and Cultural Leadership; Public Health Administration and Policy; Health Services Administration; Healthcare System Management; World Health; Health economics and management; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
6.18 М
6.18 Д |
70 | 19 | Хирургия (абдоминалды, ангиохирургия, торакалды хирургия, хирургия гортани, микрохирургия, онкохирургия; бас сүйек-жақ-бет пластикалық хирургиясы) | Medicine and Surgery; Minimally Invasive Surgery; Surgery; Surgical Anatomy; Clinical Surgery; Advanced Surgery (Breast Surgery); Medicine (Cataract and Refractive Surgery); Surgical Education; Surgical Innovation; Dental Surgery; Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (Dental Specialties); Advanced Minimally-Invasive Surgery; Aesthetics (Aesthetic Surgery); Advanced Audiology: Otology and Skull Base Surgery; Burns, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery; Oral Surgery; Surgical and Interventional Sciences; Medical and Surgical Management of Oral Disease; Research in Surgical Sciences; Surgical Sciences; Laparoscopic Surgery and Surgical Skills; Oral Surgery; Surgery, Experimental; Acute Care Surgery; Adrenal Surgery; Bariatric Surgery; Cardiac Surgery; Cardiothoracic Surgery; General Surgery; Neurosurgery; Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery; Orthopedic Surgery; Plastic Surgery; Surgical Oncology; Vascular & Endovascular Surgery; Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery; Otolaryngology – Head and Neck Surgery; Orthopaedic Surgery; Cardiothoracic Surgery; Neurological Surgery; Colon and Rectal Surgery; Nephrology, Hypertension and Renal Transplantation; Advanced Physiotherapy: Neurophysiotherapy; Basic and Clinical Neuroscience; Basic and Translational Neuroscience; Behavioural and Cognitive Neuroscience; Biomedical Neuroscience; Brain and Cognitive Sciences; Clinical Brain Sciences; Clinical Neurodevelopmental Sciences; Neurosurgery | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.19 М
6.19 Д 6.19 Р |
71 | 20 | Эндокринология (балалар, ересектер) | Endocrinology; Endocrinology and Reproductive Physiology; Endocrinology & Diabetes | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.20 М
6.20 Д 6.20 Р |
72 | 21 | Эндоскопия және ультрадыбыстық диагностика | Endoscopy; Gastro-intestinal endoscopy; Surgical endoscopy; Gastroenterology; Medical ultrasound; Gastrointestinal Biology and Disease; Medical Ultrasound; | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.21 М
6.21 Д 6.21 Р |
73 | 22 | Ветеринарлық медицина | Veterinary Science; Veterinary Medicine; Veterinaty Public Health; Clinical Veterinary Sciences; Animal Biosciences; Applied Animal Behaviour and Animal Welfare; Functional Genetics and Development; Infection and Immunity; Animal Nutrition; Biomedicine; Clinical Veterinary Sciences; One Health; One Health: Ecosystems, Humans and Animals; Veterinary Biotechnology; Veterinary Education; Veterinary Medical Sciences; Veterinary Medicine; Veterinary Microbiology; Veterinary Pathology; Veterinary Physiotherapy; Veterinary Professional Studies; Veterinary Science; Veterinary Virology | Магистратура
Докторантура Резидентура |
6.22 М
6.22 Д 6.22 Р |
7. Шығармашылық индустрия
(орындар саны: Магистратура – 10, Докторантура – 5) |
74 | 1 | Актерлік өнер | Cultural and Creative Industries; Film Studies; Drama; Acting for Film; Film and Screen Studies; Film Aesthetics; Creative Writing and Critical Life; Performance; Film and Media Studies; Art, Film, and Visual Studies; Film and Media Studies; Acting; Acting and Directing; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
7.1 М
7.1 Д |
75 | 2 | Арт-менеджмент | Art; Art and Design; Creative Arts; Arts; Arts History; Arts and Cultural Management; Art Curatorship; Arts and Cultural Management; Contemporary Art; Cultural Leadership; Curating and Cultural Leadership; Art Curating; Cultural Studies; Fine Arts (research); Classical Art and Archaeology; Contemporary Art Theory; Contemporary Art Practice; Modern and Contemporary Art: History, Curating and Criticism; Art Gallery and Museum Studies; Arts Management and Cultural Practices; Art and Design in Education; Art History; Art History: Collecting and Provenance in an international context; Art History: Dress and Textile Histories; Art History: Technical Art History,making and meaning; Communication Design; Contemporary Curation; Design Management; Fashion Management; International Music Management; Art and Design Management; Arts, Enterprise and Development; Creative and Media Enterprises; Creative Industries and Arts Organisation; Arts Management and Heritage Studies; Arts Management; Arts Administration; Modern Art: Critical and Curatorial Studies; Art therapy; Studio Art; Performing Arts Administration; Visual Arts Administration; Digital Arts and Experimental Media; Art Education; Arts Policy and Administration; Contemporary Art and Curatorial Practice; Art and Visual History; Visual and Media Studies; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
7.2 М
7.2 Д |
76 | 3 | Музыка және вокал өнері. Дирижерлық ету | Music; Musicology; Performance studies; Music (Performance and Pedagogy); Music (Composition); Music (Ethnomusicology); Music (Opera Performance); Music (Orchestral Performance); Music (Performance Teaching); Music (Practical Music); Music (Research); Fine Arts and Music; Music Studies (Performance); Music Studies (Opera Performance); Creative Music Practice; Music Education; Music: Choral Conducting pathway; Instrumental/Vocal Composition pathway; Musicology pathway; Open Pathway with Performance; Performance pathway; Music (Performance); International Music Management; Music (Education); Applied Psychology of Music; Critical and Applied Musicology; Music and Wellbeing; Performance; Opera; Voice; Applied Music & Music Education; Music & Music Education; Performing & Media Arts; Audio Sciences: Acoustics; Audio Sciences: Recording and Production; Music Theory Pedagogy; Voice; Vocal Performance; Vocal Performance: Classical Voice, Opera, Musical Theatre; Songwriting; Voice & Opera; Jazz Studies; Music, Science, and Technology; Jazz Performance; Vocal Coaching & Accompanying; Composition and Music Theory; Performance: Voice; Music: Liberal Arts Program; Music: Professional Program; Musicology and Media Studies; Vocal music; Music – composition and sound art; Music (Composition); Music (Performance); Orchestral conducting; Orchestral instrument; Music & Music Education; Conducting: Orchestral; Choral Music; Instrumental Conducting – Orchestra; Instrumental Conducting – Wind Band; Conducting: Band/Wind Ensemble; Conducting: Choral; Music – Orchestral Repertoire; Music Studies (Performance); Acoustics and Music Technology; Sound Design; Creative Music Practice; Musical Composition; Music Education; Composition, Musical; Electroacoustic composition/sonic art pathway; Global Popular Musics pathway; Composition of Music for Film and Television; Sound Design & Audiovisual Practice; Music industry; Music (Composition); Music (Performance); Sound and Music Computing; Electronic and Computer Music; Music and Management; Music and Wellbeing; Music Performance Studies; Music Psychology in Education, Performance and Wellbeing (Distance Learning); Music and Sonic Media; Musical arts in composition; Music theory; Music education; Piano; Sound Design; Musicology and Ethnomusicology; Music & Music Education; Performing & Media Arts; Music Technology; Audio Sciences: Acoustics; Audio Sciences: Recording and Production; Classics; Computer Music; Conducting: Orchestral; Conducting: Wind; Guitar; Harpsichord; Historical Performance Instruments; Music Theory Pedagogy; Orchestral Instruments; Organ; Performance/Pedagogy; Piano; Piano: Ensemble Arts Vocal Accompanying; Music Therapy; Piano Studies; String Studies; Music, Science, and Technology; Computer-Based Music Theory and Acoustics; Jazz Performance; Piano Pedagogy; Composition and Music Theory; Conducting: Band/Wind Ensemble; Jazz and Contemporary Improvisation; Musicology: History; Performance: Bassoon; Performance: Cello; Performance: Clarinet; Performance: Collaborative Piano; Performance: Double Bass; Performance: Euphonium; Performance: Flute; Performance: French Horn; Performance: Harp; Performance: Harpsichord; Performance: Oboe; Performance: Organ; Performance: Organ: Sacred Music; Performance: Percussion; Performance: Piano; Performance: Piano Pedagogy and Performance; Performance: Saxophone; Performance: Trombone; Performance: Trumpet; Performance: Tuba; Performance: Viola; Performance: Violin; Music & Human Learning; Musical Arts; Music: Liberal Arts Program; Music: Professional Program; Musicology and Media Studies; Music – Composition for screen and stage; Music – composition and sound art; Music Mediation; Music, Interpretation Option; | Магистратура
7.3 М
7.3 Д
77 | 4 | Дизайн. Сән өнері. Кескіндеме/Станоктық кескіндеме. Бейнелеу өнері. Мүсін | Art and Design; Creative Arts; Visual Arts; Art, Design and Architecture; Arts; Design; Visualisation, Simulation & Immersive Design; Design (Strategic Design); Design (Design Innovation); Urban Design; Interaction Design and Electronic Arts; Design (Design Innovation) (Strategic Design); Design and Digital Media; Design for Change; Graphic Design; Illustration; Interior, Architectural and Spatial Design; Arts Management, Policy and Practice; International Fashion Marketing; International Fashion Retailing; Fashion Management and Marketing; Design for Manufacture; Design for Performance and Interaction; Digital Media Design for Learning; Digital Arts and Humanities; Fine Art; Communication Design; Design Management; Fashion Design; Fashion Management; Fashion Marketing and Branding; Luxury Brand Management; Textile Design; Graphic Arts; Live Art; Media and Arts Technology; Advertising and Design; Fashion, Enterprise and Society; Performance Design; Visual arts; Scene Design; Costume Studies; Design for Stage & Film; Digital Art & Design; Digital Media Design for Learning; Studio Art; Stage Design; Art Practice; Design: Media Arts; Integrative Design; Design Science; Studio Art; Interior Design; Art, Art History, and Design; Textiles & Fashion Design; Creative Technology and Design; Human Factors and Ergonomics; Drawing, Painting, and Printmaking; Sculpture and Ceramics; Photography and Moving Images; Interdisciplinary Art and Social Practice; Visual and Media Studies; Oriental Painting; Sculpture; Painting; Crafts and Design; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
7.4 М
7.4 Д |
78 | 5 | Операторлық өнер. Режиссура. Продюсерлік | Cinema; Producing; Cultural and Creative Industries; Film and Television; Moving Image; Culture, Media & Creative Industries Research; Film Studies; Film Directing; Film, Exhibition and Curation; Sound Design; Drama; Creative Documentary; Digital Media: Production; Documentary Filmmaking; Film and Television; Film and Screen Studies; Film Curation; Film making and media arts; Music industry; Film Aesthetics; Film and Cultural Management; Global Media Management; International Music Management; Film and Television Studies; Research in Film and Television Studies; Documentary Practice; Film, Photography and Media; Film, Television and Screen Industries; Filmmaking and Media Production; Filmmaking; Computing with Digital Media; Creative Documentary Practice; Digital Media MA; Journalism and Documentary Practice; Media Practice for Development and Social Change; Cinema and Media Studies; Film Production; Film Production and Creative writing; Cinema studies; Cinema and Media Production; Film & Television Studies; Teaching Language, Literature & Film; Enterainment industry management; Performing & Media Arts; Film and Media Studies; Art, Film, and Visual Studies; Audio Sciences: Recording and Production; Entertainment, Media & Technology; Design for Stage & Film; Film & Television; Film/Television & Business; Film Production; Film Scoring; Music Business; Documentary Film and Video; Film and Media Studies; Film, Television, and Media; Cinematic Arts; Radio-Television-Film; Radio-Television-Film, Film Production; Radio-Television-Film, Screenwriting; Interdisciplinary Documentary Media Practices; | Магистратура
Докторантура |
7.5 М
7.5 Д |
79 | 6 | Театр өнері. Сценарий жұмыстары | Arts; Creative writing; Theatre performance; Creative Writing, Publishing and Editing; Screenwriting; Theatre (Directing); Theatre (Dramaturgy); Theatre (Screen Acting); Theatre (Voice); Writing, Editing and Publishing; Theatre & Performance Studies; Sound Design; European Theatre; Playwriting; Drama; Drama and Theatre Studies; Drama and Theatre Studies Practice-Based; Crime and Thriller Writing; Theatre & Performance Practices; Theatre Studies; Playwriting & Dramaturgy; Applied Theatre: Arts, Action, Change; English and Drama; Writing; Theatre and Performance; Applied Theatre and Intervention; Writing for Performance and Publication; Performance; Drama and Theatre; Creative writing and theatre; Film Production and Creative writing; Drama, Theatre and Performance; Theatre Education; Theatre Arts and Performance Studies; Drama; Drama and Theatre Arts; Drama and Theatre Arts; Performing & Media Arts; Theater, Dance, & Media; Writing Seminars; Drama Therapy;Dramatic Literature, Theater History, & the Cinema; Dramatic Writing; Musical Theatre Writing; Poetics & Theory; Vocal Performance: Classical Voice, Opera, Musical Theatre; Writing for screen and stage; Theatre – Visual and Perform Arts; Dramatic Art; Folklore; Theatre and Dance; Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies; Dramatic Arts; Radio-Television-Film, Screenwriting; Theatre – Acting; Theatre – Dance; Theatre – Directing; Theatre – Playwriting; Theatre – Theatrical Design & Technology; Writing; Theater & Performance Studies; Intermedia Art, Writing and Performance; | Магистратура
7.6 М
7.6 Д
80 | 7 | Хореография | Arts; Dance; Dance Movement Therapy; Dance Studies; Performing & Media Arts; Theater, Dance, & Media; Dance; Dance Education; Teaching Dance in the Professions; Teaching Dance in the Professions: ABT Pedagogy; Folklore; Culture and Performance; Choreographic inquiry; Theatre and Dance; Theater, Dance, and Performance Studies; Theatre – Dance; | Магистратура
7.7 М
7.7 Д
№ | № | Мамандықтың атауы | Бағдарлама | Код | |
1. Инновациялар мен технологиялар
(орындар саны: Тағылымдама – 15) |
1 | 1 | Цифрлық экономика. Цифрлық маркетинг | Тағылымдама | 1 Т | |
2 | 2 | Биотехнология. Жасыл инновациялар. Бионженерия | Тағылымдама | 2 Т | |
3 | 3 | Үлкен деректерді талдау. Салалар бойынша предиктивті талдау | Тағылымдама | 3 Т | |
4 | 4 | Инновациялық менеджмент. Технологиялар менеджменті | Тағылымдама | 4 Т | |
5 | 5 | Ақпараттық (кибер) қауіпсіздік және криптография | Тағылымдама | 5 Т | |
6 | 6 | Ақпараттық технологиялар мен жүйелер. Есептеу техникасы және бағдарламалық қамтамасыз ету. Бағдарламалық қамтымды әзірлеу | Тағылымдама | 6 Т | |
7 | 7 | Жасанды интеллект | Тағылымдама | 7 Т | |
8 | 8 | Сервис саласындағы АТ-технологиялар | Тағылымдама | 8 Т | |
9 | 9 | Математикалық және компьютерлік моделдеу | Тағылымдама | 9 Т | |
10 | 10 | Медиа технологиялар. Цифрлық медиа. Сервистік платформаларды әзірлеу. Визуалды мазмұнның дизайны | Тағылымдама | 10 Т | |
11 | 11 | Наноматериалдар мен нанотехнологиялар | Тағылымдама | 11 Т | |
2. Өнеркәсіптік инженерия
(орындар саны: Тағылымдама – 20) |
12 | 1 | Авиация техникасы және технологиялар | Тағылымдама | 12 Т | |
13 | 2 | Урбанистика. Сәулет. Қалаларды басқару. Тұрақты қалалар. Ақылды қала жүйесі | Тағылымдама | 13 Т | |
14 | 3 | Геология. Тау-кен ісі. Геодезия. Геофизика | Тағылымдама | 14 Т | |
15 | 4 | Машина жасау. Аспап құрылысы. Технологиялық машиналар мен құралдар | Тағылымдама | 15 Т | |
16 | 5 | Металлургия | Тағылымдама | 16 Т | |
17 | 6 | Мұнайгаз инжинирингі | Тағылымдама | 17 Т | |
18 | 7 | Құрылыс материалдарын, бұйымдары мен конструкцияларын өндіру | Тағылымдама | 18 Т | |
19 | 8 | Өнеркәсіптік автоматтандыру. Автоматтандыру және басқару | Тағылымдама | 19 Т | |
20 | 9 | Робототехника | Тағылымдама | 20 Т | |
21 | 10 | Стандарттау, сертификаттау және метрология | Тағылымдама | 21 Т | |
22 | 11 | Жылу физикасы және теориялық жылу техникасы. Жылу энергетикасы | Тағылымдама | 22 Т | |
23 | 12 | Техникалық физика | Тағылымдама | 23 Т | |
24 | 13 | Жеңіл өнеркәсіп бұйымдарының технологиясы және құрастырылуы. Қайта өңдеу өндірісінің технологиясы. Азық-түлік өнімдерінің технологиясы | Тағылымдама | 24 Т | |
25 | 14 | Көлік, көлік техникасы мен технологиялары. Тасымалдауды ұйымдастыру, көлік қозғалысы және пайдалану. Логистика | Тағылымдама | 25 Т | |
26 | 15 | Химиялық технология | Тағылымдама | 26 Т | |
27 | 16 | Электроника және телекоммуникациялық жүйелер | Тағылымдама | 27 Т | |
28 | 17 | Энергетика. Электр энергетикасы | Тағылымдама | 28 Т | |
29 | 18 | Агрономия. Аграрлық техника және технология | Тағылымдама | 29 Т | |
30 | 19 | Су ресурстары және суды пайдалану | Тағылымдама | 30 Т | |
31 | 20 | Жерді мелиорациялау, қалпына келтіру және қорғау. Топырақтану және агрохимия | Тағылымдама | 31 Т | |
32 | 21 | Мал шаруашылығы өнімдерін өндіру технологиясы | Тағылымдама | 32 Т | |
33 | 22 | Ауыл шаруашылығын энергиямен қамтамасыз ету | Тағылымдама | 33 Т | |
34 | 23 | Балық шаруашылығы және өнеркәсіптік балық аулау | Тағылымдама | 34 Т | |
35 | 24 | Өсімдіктерді қорғау және оның карантині. Жеміс-көкөніс шаруашылығы | Тағылымдама | 35 Т | |
36 | 25 | Орман ресурстары және орман шаруашылығы | Тағылымдама | 36 Т | |
3. Жаратылыстану ғылымдары
(орындар саны: Тағылымдама – 10) |
37 | 1 | Өмір сүру қауіпсіздігі және қоршаған ортаны қорғау | Тағылымдама | 37 Т | |
38 | 2 | Биология | Тағылымдама | 38 Т | |
39 | 3 | Генетика | Тағылымдама | 39 Т | |
40 | 4 | География | Тағылымдама | 40 Т | |
41 | 5 | Информатика | Тағылымдама | 41 Т | |
42 | 6 | Химия | Тағылымдама | 42 Т | |
43 | 7 | Экология | Тағылымдама | 43 Т | |
4. Әлеуметтік ғылымдар
(орындар саны: Тағылымдама – 20) |
44 | 1 | Археология және этнология | Тағылымдама | 44 Т | |
45 | 2 | Тарих | Тағылымдама | 45 Т | |
46 | 3 | Лингвистика (түркітану, жапон тілі) | Тағылымдама | 46 Т | |
47 | 4 | Педагогика | Тағылымдама | 47 Т | |
48 | 5 | Аударма ісі | Тағылымдама | 48 Т | |
49 | 6 | Саясаттану | Тағылымдама | 49 Т | |
50 | 7 | Психология | Тағылымдама | 50 Т | |
51 | 8 | Әлеуметтану. Әлеуметтік жұмыс | Тағылымдама | 51 Т | |
52 | 9 | Филология. Шетел филологиясы | Тағылымдама | 52 Т | |
53 | 10 | Әкімшілендіру және деректер қорын талдау | Тағылымдама | 53 Т | |
54 | 11 | Актуарлық ғылым және деректерді талдау | Тағылымдама | 54 Т | |
55 | 12 | Сыбайлас жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимыл саласындағы талдау қызметі (заңды, экономикалық және қаржы саласында) | Тағылымдама | 55 Т | |
56 | 13 | Дағдарысқа қарсы басқару | Тағылымдама | 56 Т | |
57 | 14 | Бизнес-талдау және қаржы | Тағылымдама | 57 Т | |
58 | 15 | Мемлекеттік саясат. Мемлекеттік және жергілікті басқару | Тағылымдама | 58 Т | |
59 | 16 | Іскерлік әкімшілендіру | Тағылымдама | 59 Т | |
60 | 17 | Журналистика. Коммуникациялық менеджмент. Жұртшылықпен байланыс | Тағылымдама | 60 Т | |
61 | 18 | Халықаралық қауіпсіздік (Қарусыздану және жаппай қырып-жою қаруын таратпау) | Тағылымдама | 61 Т | |
62 | 19 | Халықаралық қатынастар | Тағылымдама | 62 Т | |
63 | 20 | Менеджмент (Операциялық менеджмент/Тәуекел-менеджменті) | Тағылымдама | 63 Т | |
64 | 21 | Жемқорлыққа қарсы іс-қимыл | Тағылымдама | 64 Т | |
65 | 22 | Басқару психологиясы | Тағылымдама | 65 Т | |
66 | 23 | Мейрамхана ісі және қонақүй бизнесі | Тағылымдама | 66 Т | |
67 | 24 | Стратегиялық маркетинг | Тағылымдама | 67 Т | |
68 | 25 | Жобаларды басқару | Тағылымдама | 68 Т | |
69 | 26 | Қалалық агломерацияны дамытуды басқару | Тағылымдама | 69 Т | |
70 | 27 | Адами ресурстарды басқару | Тағылымдама | 70 Т | |
71 | 28 | Есеп және аудит | Тағылымдама | 71 Т | |
72 | 29 | Қаржылық тәуекел менеджменті. Қаржы мониторингі (Ақшаны жылыстату және терроризмді қаржыландыру бойынша іс-қимыл) | Тағылымдама | 72 Т | |
73 | 30 | Қаржы. Қаржылық талдау. | Тағылымдама | 73 Т | |
74 | 31 | Экономика | Тағылымдама | 74 Т | |
75 | 32 | Басқару экономикасы | Тағылымдама | 75 Т | |
76 | 33 | Құқық (коммерциялық, инвестициялық, халықаралық). Құқық қорғау қызметі. Заңтану | Тағылымдама | 76 Т | |
77 | 34 | Тұрақты ауыл шаруашылығы. Ауыл шаруашылығы экономикасы | Тағылымдама | 77 Т | |
78 | 35 | Спорт журналистикасы | Тағылымдама | 78 Т | |
79 | 36 | Спорт психологиясы | Тағылымдама | 79 Т | |
80 | 37 | Спорт құқығы | Тағылымдама | 80 Т | |
81 | 38 | Спорт маркетингі. Спорт менеджменті | Тағылымдама | 81 Т | |
82 | 39 | Спорт түрі бойынша жаттықтырушы. Жалпы дене дайындығы бойынша жаттықтырушы | Тағылымдама | 82 Т | |
5. Білім беру
(орындар саны: Тағылымдама – 20) |
83 | 1 | Ағылшын тілі (оқыту/сабақ беру) | Тағылымдама | 83 Т | |
84 | 2 | Бухгалтерлік есеп (оқыту/сабақ беру) | Тағылымдама | 84 Т | |
85 | 3 | Шығыстану: корейтану | Тағылымдама | 85 Т | |
86 | 4 | Инклюзивті білім беру. Дефектология. Логопедия (оқыту/сабақ беру, психология) | Тағылымдама | 86 Т | |
87 | 5 | Білім берудегі менеджмент (Стратегиялық менеджмент және жоғары білім берудегі көшбасшылық. Университет басқару) | Тағылымдама | 87 Т | |
88 | 6 | Ағылшын тілінде STEM пәндерін оқыту әдістемесі | Тағылымдама | 88 Т | |
89 | 7 | Қашықтан оқыту әдіснамасы мен әдістемесі. Педагогикалық платформаларды әзірлеу | Тағылымдама | 89 Т | |
90 | 8 | Педагогикалық инновациялар | Тағылымдама | 90 Т | |
91 | 9 | Оқушыларға кәсіптік бағдар беру | Тағылымдама | 91 Т | |
6. Медицина
(орындар саны: Тағылымдама – 15) |
92 | 1 | Акушерлік және гинекология | Тағылымдама | 92 Т | |
93 | 2 | Анестезиология және реаниматология | Тағылымдама | 93 Т | |
94 | 3 | Вирусология | Тағылымдама | 94 Т | |
95 | 4 | Гастроэнтерология | Тағылымдама | 95 Т | |
96 | 5 | Дерматопатология. Дерматоонкология. Патогистология (ересектер мен балалар) | Тағылымдама | 96 Т | |
97 | 6 | Инфекциялық (жұқпалы) аурулар (о.і. балалар) | Тағылымдама | 97 Т | |
98 | 7 | Кардиология. Аритмология. Кардиохирургия. Интервенциялық кардиология (балалар, ересектер) | Тағылымдама | 98 Т | |
99 | 8 | Клиникалық зертханалық диагностика | Тағылымдама | 99 Т | |
100 | 9 | Клиникалық фармакология | Тағылымдама | 100 Т | |
101 | 10 | Зертханалық диагностика | Тағылымдама | 101 Т | |
102 | 11 | Сәулелі диагностика. Радиология және сәулелі терапия (КТ, МРТ) | Тағылымдама | 102 Т | |
103 | 12 | Денсаулық сақтау саласындағы менеджмент | Тағылымдама | 103 Т | |
104 | 13 | Микробиология | Тағылымдама | 104 Т | |
105 | 14 | Неврология | Тағылымдама | 105 Т | |
106 | 15 | Жалпы хирургия. Ангиохирургия. Нейрохирургия. Микрохирургия. Рентгенхирургия. Функционалды эндоскопиялық синусохирургия. Отохирургия. Хирургия гортани. Хирургия полости рта и имплантология. Челюстно-лицевая хирургия. Реконструктивная челюстно-лицевая хирургия. | Тағылымдама | 106 Т | |
107 | 16 | Онкология. Гематология (Химиотерапия, маммология) | Тағылымдама | 107 Т | |
108 | 17 | Оториноларингология. Отоневрология. Фониатрия.Ауыз қуысының шырышты аурулары | Тағылымдама | 108 Т | |
109 | 18 | Патологиялық анатомия | Тағылымдама | 109 Т | |
110 | 19 | Педиатрия. Неонатология. Жоғары педиатрия | Тағылымдама | 110 Т | |
111 | 20 | Психиатрия (наркология және психотерапия) | Тағылымдама | 111 Т | |
112 | 21 | Пульмонология. Фтизиопульмонология (балар, ересектер) | Тағылымдама | 112 Т | |
113 | 22 | Мейірбике ісі | Тағылымдама | 113 Т | |
114 | 23 | Стоматология. Кариесология. Пародонтология. Ортодонтия (балалар, ересектер) | Тағылымдама | 114 Т | |
115 | 24 | Терапия. Отбасылық медицина | Тағылымдама | 115 Т | |
116 | 25 | Травматология және ортопедия | Тағылымдама | 116 Т | |
117 | 26 | Трансфузиология | Тағылымдама | 117 Т | |
118 | 27 | Ультрадыбыстық диагностика | Тағылымдама | 118 Т | |
119 | 28 | Эпидемиология және гигиена | Тағылымдама | 119 Т | |
120 | 29 | Ветеринарлық медицина. Ветеринарлық санитария | Тағылымдама | 120 Т | |
121 | 30 | Дене тәрбиесі және спорт | Тағылымдама | 121 Т | |
122 | 31 | Физиолог | Тағылымдама | 122 Т | |
123 | 32 | Бейімдеме дене тәрбиесі | Тағылымдама | 123 Т | |
124 | 33 | Спорт медицинасы | Тағылымдама | 124 Т | |
7. Шығармашылық индустрия
(орындар саны: Тағылымдама – 10) |
125 | 1 | Арт-менеджмент | Тағылымдама | 125 Т | |
126 | 2 | Музыка және вокал өнері. Эстрада өнері | Тағылымдама | 126 Т | |
127 | 3 | Дизайн. Кескіндеме – Станоктық кескіндеме. Бейнелеу өнері. Мүсін | Тағылымдама | 127 Т | |
128 | 4 | Дирижирлық ету (Оркестр; хор) | Тағылымдама | 128 Т | |
129 | 5 | Аспатық орындаушылық. Фортепиано. Үрмелі және соқпалы аспаптар. Ішекті аспаптар (АВАК, скрипка) | Тағылымдама | 129 Т | |
130 | 6 | Өнертану (Драма театрдағы актерлік өнер/Кинотану/Театртану/) | Тағылымдама | 130 Т | |
131 | 7 | Кино және медиа | Тағылымдама | 131 Т | |
132 | 8 | Музыкатану | Тағылымдама | 132Т | |
133 | 9 | Операторлық өнер | Тағылымдама | 133 Т | |
134 | 10 | Продюсерлік (кино/ТВ) | Тағылымдама | 134 Т | |
135 | 11 | Режиссура (Ойын киносындағы/драма театрдағы режиссура) | Тағылымдама | 135 Т | |
136 | 12 | Сценография (театр гримінің сценографиясы, кино және ТВ) | Тағылымдама | 136 Т | |
137 | 13 | Хореография | Тағылымдама | 137 Т |
* Мамандық атауы ұсынылған баламалардың біріне сәйкес келмеген жағдайда өзбетінше түскен үміткердің өтінімін Жұмыс органы жеке тәртіппен қарайды.